Thursday, August 27, 2020
The raise of Taxes at the United States
Dynamic This article will take a gander at the impact of an adjustment in charge rate in an economy. In view of the flow monetary and budgetary emergency associations with be built up on tax assessment with work motivators, work efficiency, speculation choices, spending plan and the rich to make educated opinion.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on The raise of Taxes at the United States explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More When an economy is confronting an emergency, it modifies its duty framework as strategy to correct the shortfall in the economy. For example, United States has been not really hit by the financial emergency and is thinking about on expanding charges for the rich. The adjustment in tax assessment has both positive and negative impacts. Presentation The current monetary and budgetary emergency has antagonistically influenced all the nations on the planet. Those that have been hard hit by the emergency incorporate the Unite d States of America and European nations. Different nations, particularly creating nations are experiencing the overflow impacts. In United States, the impacts of this emergency have been apparent in different parts of the economy. The nation has been hit by high paces of work with almost ten million individuals enlisting for the joblessness benefits. The quantity of individuals enlisting in quest for new employment communities has expanded, with new alumni taking the most noteworthy rate. The economy has neglected to make new openings, with occupations lay off mounting continuously. Most enterprises are spilling their workforce since they can't sufficiently address their issues, for example, paying pay rates and different advantages. The circumstance has rendered a high percent of the masses jobless, with the greater part of them experiencing issues in covering their tabs. The individuals who can't meet their bills have turned to pegging in lanes so at any rate to get something to support them. The enduring of most Americans has not gone unnoticed, with the President Barack Obama continually giving a record of government progress on how the emergency is being taken care of. The latest declaration by the President is an expansion in the pace of duty for the rich. The assessment raise among the rich will prompt an expansion in national income that would then be able to be utilized to make occupations at national levels. This move has evoked discussion, with some supporting while others assault the move as improper. It resembles taking from the individuals who are rich and circulating it to the individuals who are poor. In spite of raising expenses for the rich, charges for remote individuals ought to be brought down. Conversation Taxation is a financial strategy device that administration can use so as to have a decent monetary spending plan. The administration to accomplish certain destinations like full business, value solidness and financial development regu larly utilizes monetary arrangement. Other approach apparatuses that can be utilized incorporate printing of cash, sell of fixed resources, interior or outside acquiring just as utilization of monetary reserves.Advertising Looking for research paper on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When an administration is confronting tremendous shortages, charge income can be raised by expanding the expense rates. Tax assessment is an apparatus that can be utilized to safeguard an economy confronting troublesome occasions. Legitimate plan of an assessment strategy can be a panacea to the predominant financial difficult situations, for example, joblessness. Joined State has looked to follow Germanyââ¬â¢s approach to safeguard its monetary from unfavorable impacts of its present obligation position. Business analyst attests that the main manner by which an economy can turn around an emergency is utilizing an expansionary monetary arrangement. This will explain the issue of financial spending irregularity, joblessness and ââ¬Ëcrowding outââ¬â¢ impact. On the other hand, high assessments will peer out privately owned businesses from putting resources into the nation as a result of the expense of creation which will means higher item costs. It will be difficult for organizations to complete business in nations with high duty rates. This is on the grounds that it will render most foundations less serious in the worldwide market. To support remote speculation charge rates ought to be diminished for them and now and again combined with assessment shelters, remittances and endowments, this will urge them to take up their new interest in the economy (Kivel, 2002). Tax assessment and work motivators When there is an expansion in the pace of personal duty, the impact will be that the post-charge salary of people will lessen. This is on the grounds that the total compensation coming about b ecause of every hour of work will be lower. The move may urge laborers to build their number of working hours to meet their objective salary. Then again, an expansion in expense may be utilized as a disincentive to advance less work. The legislature ordinarily sets a lower annual assessment rate for low-salary workers. This will go about as a motivation for laborers to carry out their responsibility for extended periods and acquire more cash. Low duties on low-pay workers fill in as an apparatus of decreasing ââ¬Ëpoverty trapââ¬â¢ dangers where people will get high net monetary advantages from their work. At the point when expense changes are great, it prompts an expansion in gracefully of work consequently a decrease in joblessness harmony rate subsequently, the development rate will increment. Tax collection and the example of interest Demand designs for merchandise and ventures differ as circuitous expenses are changed. At the point when worth included assessments (VAT) on products, for example, liquor and cigarettes increment, it is planned for causing a low utilization among shoppers or a replacement impact. The outcome will be a low interest for such items. Roundabout tax assessment can be pertinent where there is an all out market disappointment, just as when the administration needs to guarantee impartial dispersion of assets, for example, wellbeing care.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on The raise of Taxes at the United States explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Taxation and speculation choices When the paces of business charges and corporate duty are low, this can invigorate a business to expand its spending in fixed capital venture. An expansion in speculation will imply that the capital supply of a country has expanded along these lines an expansion in capital load of each laborer utilized (Mankiw, 2011). Government can utilize motivators, for example, charge stipends to support innovative work a nd in empowering new business advancements. A duty system that is positive will pull in expanded inflow of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). This will be an upgrade that will profit an economyââ¬â¢s total flexibly and total interest. Low paces of enterprise duty will draw in immense measures of private speculation. Expense changes go about as an upgrade of interest in capital resources, social foundation, and work power aptitudes just as in innovation. A decent duty framework will guarantee an improvement in foundation, which is fundamental for financial development through expanded creation and intensity. Government spending can be terms of improvement of training framework that is abilities situated and innovation centered. This will guarantee a consistent long haul gracefully of HR (Dye, 2011). Companyââ¬â¢s hazard disposition and corporate annual duty are the primary factors that are considered by an association before settling on a venture choices, this is on the grounds t hat this components can influence the pace of rate of return. Measure of corporate expense to be paid is a significant factor that is thought about before settling on a monetary speculation choice. This is on the grounds that low expenses will mean lower costs for merchandise and higher income produced. The Rich Should Pay More For equivalent penance and reasonableness among residents, those people who profited by positive financial occasions, for example, blast, salvage bundles among others should think that its important to bear the costs that emerge from an emergency. There eagerness will spare the economy from enduring the most noticeably terrible impacts of an emergency that a period may overflow to deplete assets of the rich. This contention takes a gander at expanding government income through an expansion in salary just as an increment in capital increases charge. This was represented by Germanyââ¬â¢s case after the World War II where enactment was passed which commanded money related remuneration to assemble for loses that emerges during the war. This lead to a making of assessment on property and capital, this law was relevant to people who despite everything have significant resources after the war. The law expected them to pay half of their advantage worth to a remuneration finance over a time of thirty years. If there should arise an occurrence of United States, an expansion in charge gets no opportunity at any point in the near future. The explanation being the necessary spending solidification ought to happen on the use part. This will infer a decrease in government use and this will effectsly affect the economy. Then again, an expansion in annual expense excessively affects higher workers. The effect of high expense on the rich is negligible on the grounds that huge extents of their salary go to reserve funds while insignificant sums are spent (Blinder Baumol, 2011).Advertising Searching for research paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More US can't embrace spending cuts since it will unfavorably influence their development. This is on the grounds that the economy is spending less on framework, training and social exchanges. For different nations that are confronting comparable emergency, an expansion in government income will serve the nation better. In this way, if Americans won't contribute more to their economy through expense, they will experience the ill effects of a mediocre economy. End Taxation as an expansionary financial strategy is pertinent when an economy is confronting troublesome monetary occasions, where the administration spending surpasses its income altogether. The current money related and monetary emergency has prompted increment of duty rates to produce more income. Th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Short History of the American Red Cross
A Short History of the American Red Cross Authentic Importance of the American Red Cross The American Red Cross is the main congressionally commanded association to give help to casualties of debacle and is answerable for satisfying the orders of the Geneva Convention inside the United States. It was established May 21, 1881 It has generally been known under different names, for example, ARC; American Association of the Red Cross (1881 - 1892) and American National Red Cross (1893 - 1978). Diagram Clara Barton, conceived in 1821, had been a teacher, an agent in the U.S. Patent Office, and had earned the epithet Angel of the Battlefield during the Civil War before she established the American Red Cross in 1881. Bartons encounters of gathering and dispersing supplies to officers during the Civil War, just as filling in as a medical caretaker on combat zones, made her a hero for the privileges of injured warriors. After the Civil War, Barton forcefully campaigned for the foundation of an American adaptation of the International Red Cross (which had been established in Switzerland in 1863) and for the United States to sign the Geneva Convention. She prevailing with both the American Red Cross was established in 1881 and the U.S. endorsed the Geneva Convention in 1882. Clara Barton turned into the primary leader of the American Red Cross and drove the association for the following 23 years. Only days after the primary neighborhood section of the American Red Cross was built up in Dansville, NY on August 22, 1881, the American Red Cross bounced into its first debacle alleviation activity when they reacted to the demolition brought about by significant woodland fires in Michigan. The American Red Cross kept on supporting casualties of flames, floods, and tropical storms throughout the following quite a while; nonetheless, their job developed during the 1889 Johnstown flood when the American Red Cross set up enormous asylums to incidentally house those disjoined by the calamity. Protecting and taking care of proceed right up 'til today to be the biggest obligations of the Red Cross quickly following a fiasco. On June 6, 1900, the American Red Cross was given a congressional sanction that ordered the association to satisfy the arrangements of the Geneva Convention, by rendering help to those injured during the war, giving correspondence between relatives and individuals from the U.S. military, and directing alleviation to those influenced by fiascos during peacetime. The contract additionally ensures the Red Cross symbol (a red cross on a white foundation) for utilize just by the Red Cross. On January 5, 1905, the American Red Cross got a somewhat amended congressional sanction, under which the association despite everything works today. Despite the fact that the American Red Cross has been given this order by Congress, it's anything but a governmentally subsidized association; it is a non-benefit, beneficent association that gets its financing from open gifts. Despite the fact that congressionally sanctioned, interior battles took steps to topple the association in the mid 1900s. Clara Bartons messy accounting, just as questions with respect to Bartons capacity to deal with a huge, national association, prompted a congressional examination. Rather than affirming, Barton left the American Red Cross on May 14, 1904. (Clara Barton died April 12, 1912, at 91 years old.) In the decade following the congressional contract, the American Red Cross reacted to catastrophes, for example, the ââ¬â¹1906 San Francisco tremor and included classes, for example, medical aid, nursing, and water security. In 1907, the American Red Cross started attempting to battle utilization (tuberculosis) by selling Christmas Seals to fund-raise for the National Tuberculosis Association. World War I exponentially extended the American Red Cross by fundamentally expanding Red Cross parts, volunteers, and assets. The American Red Cross sent a huge number of attendants abroad, composed the home front, set up veterans clinics, conveyed care bundles, sorted out ambulances, and even prepared pooches to look for injured. In World War II, the American Red Cross assumed a comparative job yet in addition sent a huge number of bundles of food to POWs, started a blood assortment administration to help the injured, and built up clubs, for example, the well known Rainbow Corner to offer amusement and food to servicemen. After World War II, the American Red Cross set up a regular citizen blood assortment administration in 1948, has kept on offering help to casualties of debacles and wars, included classes for CPR, and in 1990 included a Holocaust War Victims Tracing and Information Center. The American Red Cross has kept on being a significant association, offering help to millions influenced by wars and debacles.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Music Groups at MIT, Pt. 1
Music Groups at MIT, Pt. 1 [by Jessica Noss 14, Guest Blogger] In high school, I sang in the choir, played oboe in band and full orchestra, and participated in every musical, but I assumed that when I came to MIT, music would play a much smaller role in my life. I was very wrong. When I came to MIT last August, I decided I wanted to be in an instrumental group and a vocal group. I didnt think I had much chance at getting into the Symphony Orchestra (MITSO) or Wind Ensemble (MITWE), and I didnt want to bother preparing an audition piece or go through the torture of auditioning. Luckily, the Concert Band advertised that they would accept everyone, even if youd never played an instrument before but wanted to learn. For singing, there was the Chamber Chorus, the elite group which required a prepared solo for the audition, and there was the Concert Choir, a much larger group which did auditions in groups of 8 with no solos. There were also numerous a capella groups, but they all required prepared solos too. Having had many bad experiences with solo auditions in the past, I decided to just audition for Concert Choir and join Concert Band. At the Convocation during Orientation, the Chorallaries, MITs oldest a capella group, performed MITs Alma Mater, then broke into a rousing Take me back to Tech, one of their classic nerdy MIT songs (the most famous one being the Engineers Drinking Song). I fell in love with them. I knew I didnt stand a chance of getting in, but I desperately wanted to. The Chorallaries singing at the MIT Convocation 2010. I finally decided that if I did enough auditions, I would eventually overcome my nervousness about singing solo. To that end, I went to the Activities Midway (an event where students advertise their groups and ask you to join lots of email lists) and signed up to audition for eight of the nine a capella groups (now, theres a tenth one, the Ohms). I tried to sign up for the ninth one, the Logarhythms, but one of the members stopped me, apologetically informing me that it was a male-only group. After hearing other a capella groups perform, my desperation to join the Chorallaries had turned into a desperation to be in an a capella group. Next, I went to the instrumental music table. When they heard that I was joining Concert Band because I didnt think I was good enough to get into anything by audition, they told me to audition anyway. Despite not having prepared an audition piece, I signed up for MITSO and MITWE auditions. (Later, I had to dig up a piece Id played years before and relearn it.) I also came across the four theatre groups and signed up to audition for a play, a musical, and a pit orchestra. I figured if I was going to make a fool of myself attempting to sing solo and playing a piece I didnt really know, I might as well go all out and do it multiple times. The first day of auditions was the worst. I had scheduled it so that I would have four a capella auditions, all about an hour apart, then the Chorallaries audition. Sure enough, by the time I got to the Chorallaries, I was too tired of auditions to be nervous about singing solo. But my voice also wasnt too happy about the grueling schedule. All the auditions were very casual; most of them did warm-ups to test my range and some sort of pitch-matching or sight-reading exercise, and then I would sing my solo. Over the next week, I auditioned for all the remaining groups. Some of the auditions were kind of awkward. The Cross Products are the Christian a capella group. They asked me what certain quotes from the bible meant to me and whether I agreed with them. I explained that I wasnt religious at all, so most of the quotes didnt mean anything to me, and it didnt really matter to me whether they were true or not. I just wanted to be in a singing group. I also explained that it wouldnt bot her me if I was in the group and we went around spreading Christianity, but I wasnt surprised when they didnt accept me. Eventually, all the audition results came in. Most of them were rejections: Syncopasian (they sing Asian music), Muses (the female group), Cross Products, Toons, Chorallaries, Resonance, Asymptones (youve gotta love these names), and a play. But some groups accepted me. I somehow got into both MITSO and MITWE, and I got into Techiya, the Jewish/Hebrew/Israeli a capella group. Unlike the Cross Products, Techiya isnt a religious group, although it often sings religious music. I also got into both the cast and the pit orchestra for a musical, as well as Concert Choir (but theyll accept almost anyone). Moral of the story? If you really want to be in a music group, or if you tend to get really nervous at auditions, just audition for everything. Chances are youll get into at least one group, and even if it wasnt a group you would normally have considered joining, well, at least youre in something. And if you decide Jewish music isnt your thing, you can always leave at the end of the semester. You can also just try it for a week and then decide. Wonder which music groups I chose and why? Then stay tuned for my next blog!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Net Present Value and Question - 5593 Words
SEAT NUMBER: â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.â⬠¦ ROOM: .â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. FAMILY NAME.â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.....â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. This question paper must be returned. Candidates are not permitted to remove any part of it from the examination room. OTHER NAMESâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. STUDENT NUMBERâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦.. SESSION 2 EXAMINATIONS NOVEMBER 2012 Unit Code and Name: AFIN252, Applied Financial Analysis and Management Time Allowed: 3 hours plus 10 minutes reading time. Total Number of Questions: 50 Multiple Choice Questions plus 8 full response questions. Instructions: 1. PART A (30 marks): There are 50 multiple choice questions. Answers to these must be recorded on a red-coloured General Purpose Answer Sheet which will be marked by a computer. Please make sure your name is on this sheet. 2.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Question 6 Coolibah Holdings Limited is expected to pay dividends of $1.13 every six months for the next three years. If the current price of Coolibah stock is $22.40, and Coolibah s equity cost of capital is 16%, what price would you expect Coolibah s shares to sell for at the end of three years? A) $26.74 B) $28.82 C) $29.36 D) $31.36 E) $34.96 4(41) Question 7 Ascension Limited will pay a dividend of $1.80 per share one year from today and a dividend of $2.40 per share two years from today. It is expected that Ascension s share price will be $44 per share immediately after the second dividend payment. If Ascension has an equity cost of capital of 8%, what is the maximum price that a prudent investor would be willing to pay for an Ascension Limited share today? A) $39.27 B) $40.22 C) $41.45 D) $42.40 Question 8 Which of the following statements is FALSE? A) As firms mature, their earnings exceed their investment needs and they begin to pay dividends. B) Total return equals earnings multiplied by the dividend payout rate. C) Cutting the firm s dividend to increase investment will raise the share price if, and only if, the new investments have a positive net present value (NPV). D) We cannot use the constant dividend growth model to value the shares of a firm with rapid or changing growth. 5(41) Question 9 Bandicoot Enterprises just announced that it plans to cut its dividend (in one yearShow MoreRelatedCaladonia Products Integrative Problem1382 Words à |à 6 Pagesseveral mutually exclusive projects (Keown, Martin, Perry, Scott, 2005). The lack of experience on the assistants part has also lead to the CEO requesting not only that the assistant provide a recommendation but also to respond to a number of questions aimed at judging the assistants understanding of the capital budgeting process (Keown, Martin, Perry, Scott, 2005). 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Theoretical Problems Of Ethics And Ethics - 2035 Words
Theoretical Problems of Ethics Introduction Ethics is the conception about the ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠and ââ¬Å"wrongâ⬠. It is related to the man and the society. It supports the concept of doing good things and disgraces the thinking of behaving in the wrong way with others. It is the well-known fact that the ethics donââ¬â¢t implement on the logics in doing right or wrong. Along with sometimes it can stand against the morality. For example the death sentence is ethically wrong, because it takes the life of a man, which can become the better part of society in future. So, ethically the death sentence should be stopped. But, the morally death sentence creates fear among the people and they get the lesson for the future that who will be done wrong with others will face the death at the end. Along with this, ethics has some theoretical problems. These problems are related to different aspects of ethics which are not justified on the basis of philosophy. Most of the times these problems create confusion in the minds of human beings to identify what is right and what is wrong in certain situations. Three theoretical problems of ethics Mainly ethics have three theoretical problems. First one is the problem of the origins of ethics which means it is a problem creating for the people to find out that what is right and what is wrong. The Second one is the problem of relativism which holds the question that what is the relationship of ethics with the society (Mizzoni, 2009). The third one is the problemShow MoreRelatedInformation Ethics Essay1050 Words à |à 5 PagesInformation Ethics The paper addresses theoretical and practical aspects of information ethics from an intercultural perspective. The recent concept of information ethics is related particularly to problems which arose in the last century with the development of computer technology and the internet. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Descriptive Essay About Cruise To The Sky - 732 Words
A Cruise to the Sky Always ready for what life has to throw at him, my father pushes through positively. Somehow, he always tends to drag my sisters and me along on his crazy journeys through life. Which is great most of the time, but not so great some of the time. My father and all seven of his siblings had this grand idea to go on a cruise to the beautiful Caribbean Islands. Of course, my sisters and I liked the idea of this journey. My whole family booked the cruise and the preparation began. My dad would take my sisters and me shopping for new clothes and swimsuits. Before the vacation had begun, we lived a great life. The cruise came up on me like winter creeps up on fall. The night before departure I felt anxious. Breathingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I know we will have a great vacation,â⬠I tried to rally. ââ¬Å"That is the right attitude. Now let s go have some fun!â⬠I had never been paragliding before. So as before ascending into the bright blue sky I told the boat driver, ââ¬Å"Do not let my feet touch the water. I am deathly afraid of sharks and fishes.â⬠He laughingly replied, ââ¬Å"I will try not to.â⬠Nervously, I got buckled up and ready to rise into the warm Caribbean air. My stomach started to stir inside me. Feeling like I could have vomited at any minute, I became very pale. Breann, who is my twenty year old sister, said, ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t worry. It will be fun and you will never have this experience again. You just need to be brave.â⬠I quietly replied, ââ¬Å"Okay. I will be okay. I can do this. Letââ¬â¢s go!â⬠I indeed had a marvelous day. I experienced something I never have before. My feet dangled in the open air like ornaments on a lit christmas tree. They suddenly became tense and tight. The clear blue sea below me sparkled like a giant crystal chandelier. Covered with tourists, the busy beach looked like an anthill. The sun was a golden ball. I giggled as the clouds whirled and zigzagged around me. The softness of the clouds comforted my sun kissed skin. I breathed deeply. The air fresh and crisp like the mountains on a brisk fall morning. Speechless,Show MoreRelatedessay on dickins journey to niagra3989 Words à |à 16 Pagesand, from its unfathomable grave arises that tremendous ghost of spray and mist which is never laid, and has been haunting this place with the same dread solemnity--perhaps from the creation of the world (Letters 3: 210-11). In this essay, I analyze Dickenss reaction to Niagara Falls in the context of other British travel narratives from the previous decade, and examine how Niagara speaks to Dickens of life after death (as he describes it above, the falls die and then rise again inRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words à |à 190 PagesGRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Critical account of Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essay Example For Students
Critical account of Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essay Robert Browning wrote the poem Porphyrias lover. It is written in dramatic monologue, meaning it was spoken by the lover who is clearly mad. Browning gives the poem a Victorian gothic setting. This is displayed in the opening lines, The rain set early in tonight, The sullen wind was soon awake, It tore the elm-tops down for spite, We will write a custom essay on Critical account of Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now And did its worst to vex the lake: These lines give the idea of dark and sullenness, words like rain, sullen wind and vex really bring the setting alive. These words are very colourful and help create the character of the madman. It also creates a moody image. The poem consists of a mad man and his lover (Porphyria). Porphyria walked through extreme weather to see the man from a party. At first the man thought that Porphyria was not good enough for him and he was merely another name to her list of conquests. But he was then persuaded to think that Porphyria worshiped him and the only way they could be together was to put her out of her misery, so he strangled Porphyria. Browning uses his language very subtlety, meaning you would either have to look closely or to read the poem over more than once in order to fully appreciate the greatness of the writing. The madman is given a very mysterious character, forcing the readers to want to know more about him. His character contrasts with that of Porphyria, who is beautiful and warm, When glided in Porphyria: she shut the cold out, and kneeled and made the cheerless grate blaze up, are examples of how Browning created her character. Browning uses the character of Porphyria to exaggerate the dark, mysterious character of the madman. The gothic setting of the poem, the dark and rain reflect the feelings of the madman. Sullen, spite vex are words used in the opening lines to describe the storm but also are words to describe his feelings. This creates a tense atmosphere that the madman is feeling. This atmosphere is then broken when Porphyria enters the cottage. The madman describes Porphyria in a romantic way. Porphyria untied her hat and let the damp hair fall and she sat down by my side. In those times this behaviour would have been thought of to be quite romantic. He then builds her up and portrays her actions as if she was seducing him. This leads him to think that she is too weak for him, as he says too weak, for all her hearts endeavour. But when the madman finds that Porphyria had walked from a party defying her friends and family to be with him, he concludes by saying that Porphyria worshippd him. To the madman this was a great surprise and made his heart swell. This made him feel good, the fact that she worshiped him made his insecurity lead to sadistic domination. He then realise this would not last While I debated what to do. At that moment, she was mine, mine fair, Brownings use of repetition re-enforces his feelings of dominance and his fear of losing this. This realisation created a psychopathic thought, which turned in to reality. I found a thing to do, and all her hair In one long yellow string I wound Three times her little throat around, And strangled her. In his moment of insanity he does not believe that this is wrong. Browning emphasizes this by repeating, no pain felt she, Im sure quite sure she felt no pain. He compares Porphyria to a shut bud that holds a bee. This creates the image of the beautiful delicate bud the hold a stinging bee that can cause pain. .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .postImageUrl , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:hover , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:visited , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:active { border:0!important; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:active , .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678 .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udce33cc0d4b499cbccd03cb69681a678:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Line or lines from Pablo Neruda's poems EssayThe logical conclusion of this desire for total possession is a species of necrophilia, his desire to sit with the dead Porphyria who has been reduced to a thing shows this phenomenon. The madmans insanity is further enforced when he describes her dead expression as, Smiling rosy little head, So glad it has its utmost will As if the murderer believes Porphyria to be pleased. This is because That all it scornd at once is fled, stating all her failings have gone and I, its love, am Gaind instead, he believes he has absorbed her goodness and her love through his despicable act. Porphyria was not to have known that her desires were to be realised through her death and this is how the murderer has answered her darling one wish. Porphyria loved his outward image not knowing his inner dark insecurities and through murdering her he was able to preserve this illusion forever. Browning powerfully expresses the insane madmans belief that he has done no wrong by using religious backing, And yet God has not said a word. In summing up my overview of the poem I will first of all discuss the flow of images, which Browning creates. He firstly describes a dark, depressing setting, which changes as Porphyria arrives moving on to become more optimistic, lifting the atmosphere and building in the direction of the climax of the murder. Then the climax begins to unwind to an almost peaceful setting. The images contrast throughout the poem leading the reader on a journey of emotions. This helps to illustrate the themes of good and evil. The poem is given a poetic quality by the use of alternate lines of rhyme. This continues rhythmically enabling Browning to create a pattern helping to emphasise a sense of finality at the end of the poem. Further highlighting the issue raised. In conclusion Browning is asking dark questions, which remain unanswerable and beyond our understanding. These questions include, motives for murder, how someone can confuse reality with insanity, he also tries address complex ultimate issues of death and immortality, which must remain out of reach.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Case Study Analysis Leading and Managing Change
Critical Analysis of the Theory on Managing and Leading Change with Regard to the Case Living in the period of significant organizational change implies understanding and adopting new management styles that are flexible, open, and decentralized. However, the main obstacle to change is inability and reluctance of employees to embrace the benefits of the shifts that occur to organizations at all levels of management.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Case Study Analysis: Leading and Managing Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Anchor alternative approaches to shaping culture contribute empowering organizationââ¬â¢s competitiveness and promote new strategies for organizationââ¬â¢s success (Burke 2010). The case of AEGON proves the managing and leading change should be reviewed from the perspective of organizational development. In particular, the managerial staff should focus on three dimensions. The fi rst activity of leading change involves adequate distribution of responsibilities and duties, including freedom to improvise and communicate. Second, a wide range of low-cost probes should be encouraged to explore future opportunities and adjust to changes (Cummings and Worley 2009). Finally, the managers should be able to drawn the link between current projects and future challenges. Cummings and Worley (2009) suggest that that effective change management should be premised on five aspects that include motivating change, developing political support, creating a vision, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum. Each activity should be taken into the deepest consideration because they promote new skills, experiences, and competencies among the employees, as well as reinforces new behavioral patterns required to introduce changes (Scott and Jaffe 1995). In addition, due to the fact that AEGON focuses on development of a new culture and reinforcement of financial resources, int roducing a five-dimensions mode is efficient for enhancing employeesââ¬â¢ skills and readiness to adjust to a constantly changing environment. Managing change implies transition from local management to global-scale activities which allow managers to introduce new way of thinking in an organization (Burke 2010). In this respect, the companyââ¬â¢s change approach is closely associated with Lewinââ¬â¢s change theory, which is based on three stages of successful transformation: unfreezing, movement, and refreezing (Simms n. d.).Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hence, the process of unfreezing implies ââ¬Å"â⬠¦destablishing the present balance of forces that give the organization or business its stabilityâ⬠(Simms, n. d., 124). This initial step is the most challengeable one because it requires the managers to highlight and eliminate the existing dissatis faction through introducing additional tools for change, including schedules, new personnel, or budget constraints. The second phase implies shifts from the unbalanced system to the introduction of new paradigms at all levels of administration. The process involves creating new behavioral patterns and developing new rewarding system. At this stage, a different management style is also indispensible. In this respect, AEGON focuses on combining local expertise and global practices. Organizational Changes at AEGON and Its Usefulness for Companyââ¬â¢s Success As it has been mentioned briefly, AEGON has decided to introduce new patterns of development and change that can enhance the organizationââ¬â¢s competitiveness and produce new mechanisms responding to the challenges of the external environment. In particular, the company paid attention to the reposition of Scottish Equitable brand to gain trust of consumers and enhance the companyââ¬â¢s reputation at the international leve l. Second, the appointment of the audit committee encouraged the company to define internal and external challenges for the organization. In such a manner, AEGON managed to ensure an informed and transparent approach to the decisions that should be made to set up the change process (Paton and McCalman 2008). The committee also underlined that the organization had solid positions at the market due to staffââ¬â¢s considerable expertise, high-level communication, and innovation. The external activities helped the company to define its competitive capabilities. The analysis of internal and external perspectives has promoted the managerââ¬â¢s understanding of existing gaps and pitfalls should be considered. Finally, the organization appointed a new chief executive officer whose primary responsibility was to carry out a discovery stage. The main objective of this phase was to introduce long-term savings and security plan in the United Kingdom. While implementing this change, the org anization focused on the current and future potential of the business development to define what should be done to overcome challenges. All the above-introduced reforms have contributed greatly to the organizational development and competitiveness, as well as to the definition of new prospects in future business activities at a global level. An overwhelming, multi-level approach, therefore, is a consistent plan that can motivate employees and instruct them to accept changes.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Case Study Analysis: Leading and Managing Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Triggers and Rationale for Change in AEGON There is a variety of underpinnings for organizational change, among which the external factors constitute a priority. Specific attention should be given to globalization of markets and business, which makes organizations accommodate competitive constraints in the domestic market as well (Dawson 2003). Advances in technology and organizational expansion are also among the major incentives for change within an organization because they require reevaluation of organizationââ¬â¢s complexity and development of relevant coordinative mechanisms (Dawson 2003). Apart from external triggers, the organization should also encounter internal constraints to leading change successfully (Senior and Swalies 2010). This is of particular concern to such aspects as task prioritization, technology implementation, efficient human resource management through multi-task activities, and restructure of administrative hierarchy. All these issues have been considered by AEGONââ¬â¢s manager to promote efficient change management among the employees. The emphasis has been placed on the analysis of global trends in the market competition, as well as the evaluation of the existing potential of the organization in the United Kingdom and outside it. In addition, the company should also take environmental issues into consideration while developing budgeting schedule and allocating financial resources. Leadership change is another important perspective that should be presented within the context of organizational development (Mills et al. 2009). In this respect, the analysis of AEGONââ¬â¢s strategies has revealed that the importance and usefulness of change management was extremely high because this perspective has become the premise for further successful advancement of organizational values, mission, and goals. In this respect, Mills et al. (2009, p. 4) have noted, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦organizational change can be defined as an alteration of a core aspect of an organizationâ⬠. Such aspects involve personnel, leadership, culture, technology, and goal of an organization. Within these perspectives, the company has managed to consider the majority of them, except for technology innovation.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Actions of Top Management With Respect to Implemented Change Strategies and Their Impact on the Organization The managerial staff of an organization should be able to face difficulties and introduce changes in a timely manner. Their task is to accurately predict possible problems related to the old-fashioned mechanism of responding to external competition, as well as meeting consumer demands. Therefore, close assessment of employeesââ¬â¢ psychological profiles, their social and cultural backgrounds, provides a fresh insight into how an organizational climate could be improved (Arrendondon 1996). As soon as the managers provide a full evaluation of employeesââ¬â¢ needs, they will be able to enhance the quality of services and good delivered to consumers. Development of beneficial social schemes should also be implemented to deliver a good base for further promotion of values and behaviors. Due to the fact that the organization attempt to promote their business activities to a g lobal level, the focus should be on defining the main cultural diversity issues. In this respect, Handlechner (2008, p. 4), ââ¬Å"diversity should be seen as merely a replacement for the old equal opportunity policy: it must be a corporate value, an integral part of business strategyâ⬠. At this point, workplace equality, irrespective of gender, nation, and race, should be ensured. Apart from equal opportunities, diversity management could be seen in a broader sense for senior managers to assess each individualââ¬â¢s needs, beliefs, and attitudes. As soon as the organization realizes its human resource potential, it will be able to provide reactive and proactive measures to the change process. The success of change implementation depends largely on the readiness of employees to change their attitudes toward organizationââ¬â¢s strategies. Because attitudes create a strong emotional basis of interpersonal relations, they are indispensible to determining and predicting futur e behavior that is connected with motivation, perception, and personality (Sims 2002). In this respect, AEGONââ¬â¢s committee of senior managers has developed as set of ethical and moral standard in compliance with organizationââ¬â¢s mission and statement to foster global integration an reduce the pressure of competition. According to Mullins (2007, p. 124), ââ¬Å"sensitivity to individual needs and differences, especially in term of their resilience becomes significant when organizations embark on change initiativesâ⬠. The top management of AEGON has succeeded in developing appropriate modes for employees to make them realize the importance of changes. Importance of Change Management Companies that resist changes contradict the adequate cycle of organizational development. Indeed, organizational change results in constant improvement and positive transformation ensuring a competitive advantage over other companies. In this respect, Yaeger and Sorensen (2009) approve the concept of positive change in the context of appreciative inquiry that is successful while dealing global and international issues. In particular, the positive change addresses ââ¬Å"â⬠¦such issues as convergence versus divergence in national cultures, or whether the world is becoming more or less diverseâ⬠(Yaeger and Sorensen 2009, p. 5). In addition, human values that pertain to employeesââ¬â¢ experience and are practiced across many cultures. Exchange of experience is an important condition for promoting organizational success because it contributes to the development of rich organizational culture and endowing employees with new incentives. Competition within an organization is vital for enhancing employeesââ¬â¢ capacity to compete with external business rivals. Therefore, change is a multi-dimensional process covering all areas and levels of management and ensuring constant growth and advancement. Its major focus should be made on enhancing organizational cult ure, developing new technological base, and analyzing the external environment. Financial issues should also be taken into consideration because they serve as foundational tools for shaping new objectives and distributing new responsibilities. Prioritization of tasks and duties among employees is another important strategy that is implemented within the context of change management. Finally, leadership skills should also be premised on advancement of experiences and abilities that are necessary for introducing transformation. Shifts in leadership styles and a person-centered approach is important for developing successful organization. References Arrendondon, P 1996, Successful Diversity Management Initiatives: A Blueprint for Planning and Implementation, SAGE,US. Burke, WW 2010, Organization Change: Theory and Practice. SAGE, US. Cummings, TG, and Worley, WG 2009, Organization Development Change. Cengage Learning, New York. Dawson, P 2003, Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemporary Experience of People at Work, SAGE, US. Handlechner, M 2008, Managing Cultural Diversity and How to Manage it Within an Organization. GRIN Verlag, Germany. Mills, HJ, Dye, K, and Mills, AJ 2009, Understanding Organizational Change. Taylor Francis, US. Mullins, LJ 2007, Management and Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, New York. Paton, R and McCalman, J 2008, Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation. SAGE, US. Scott, CD, and Jaffe, DT, 1995, Managing Change at Work: Leading People through Organizational Transitions. Cengage Learning, New York. Senior, B, and Swalies, S 2010, Organizational Change, Pearson Education, New York. Simms, H n. d., Organizational Behavior and Change Management. Select Knowledge Limited, US. Sims, RR 2002, Managing Organizational Behavior. Greenwood Publishing Group, US. Yaeger, TF, and Sorensen, PF 2009, Strategic Organization Development : Managing Change for Success, IAP, US. This case study on Case Study Analysis: Leading and Managing Change was written and submitted by user Senator Bail to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
How Putonghua Is Used in Mainland China
How Putonghua Is Used in Mainland China Mandarin Chinese is known by many names. In the United Nations, it is known simply as Chinese. In Taiwan, it is called Ã¥Å"â¹Ã¨ ªÅ¾ / å⺠½Ã¨ ¯ (guà ³ yÃâ), which means national language. In Singapore, it is known as è ¯Ã¨ ªÅ¾ / Ã¥ Žè ¯ (hu yÃâ), which means Chinese language. And in China, it is called æ⢠®Ã©â¬Å¡Ã¨ © ± / æ⢠®Ã©â¬Å¡Ã¨ ¯ (pÃâ tÃ
ng hu), which translates to common language.à Different Names Over Time Historically, Mandarin Chinese was called Ã¥ ®Ëè © ±/Ã¥ ®Ëè ¯ (guà n hu), meaning speech of officials, by the Chinese people. The English word mandarin meaning bureaucrat, is derived from Portuguese. The Portuguese word for bureaucratic official was mandarim, so they referred to Ã¥ ®Ëè © ±/Ã¥ ®Ëè ¯ (guà n hu) as the language of the mandarims, or mandarim for short. The final m was converted to an n in the English version of this name. Under the Qing Dynasty (æ ¸â¦Ã¦Å" - Qà «ng Cho), Mandarin was the official language of the Imperial Court and was known as Ã¥Å"â¹Ã¨ ªÅ¾ / å⺠½Ã¨ ¯ (guà ³ yÃâ). Since Beijing was the capital of the Qing Dynasty, Mandarin pronunciations are based on the Beijing dialect. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, the new Peoples Republic of China (Mainland China) became more strict about having a standardized common language to improve communication and literacy across rural and urban areas. Thus, the name of Chinas official language was rebranded. Instead of calling it national language, Mandarin was now called common language, or æ⢠®Ã©â¬Å¡Ã¨ © ± / æ⢠®Ã©â¬Å¡Ã¨ ¯ (pÃâ tÃ
ng hu), starting in 1955. Putonghua as Common Speech PÃâ tÃ
ng hu is the official language of The Peoples Republic of China (Mainland China). But pÃâ tÃ
ng hu is not the only language spoken in China. There are five major language families with a total of up to 250 distinct languages or dialects. This wide divergence intensifies the need for a unifying language that is understood by all Chinese people. Historically, the written language was the unifying source of many of the Chinese languages, since Chinese characters have the same meaning wherever they are used, even though they may be pronounced differently in different regions. The use of a commonly spoken language has been promoted since the rise of the Peoples Republic of China, which established pÃâ tÃ
ng hu as the language of education throughout the Chinese territory. Putonghua in Hong Kong Macau Cantonese is the official language of both Hong Kong and Macau and is the language spoken by the majority of the population. Since the ceding of these territories (Hong Kong from Britain and Macau from Portugal) to the Peoples Republic of China, pÃâ tÃ
ng hu has been used as the language of communication between the territories and the PRC. The PRC is promoting greater use of pÃâtÃ
nghu in Hong Kong and Macau by training teachers and other officials. Putonghua in Taiwan The outcome of the Chinese Civil War (1927-1950) saw the Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party) retreat from Mainland China to the nearby island of Taiwan. Mainland China, under the Maos Peoples Republic of China, saw changes in language policy. Such changes included the introduction of simplified Chinese characters and the official use of the name pÃâ tÃ
ng hu. Meanwhile, the KMT in Taiwan retained the use of traditional Chinese characters, and the name guà ³ yÃâ continued to be used for the official language. Both practices continue up to the present time. Traditional Chinese characters are also used in Hong Kong, Macau, and many overseas Chinese communities. Putonghua Features PÃâtÃ
nghu has four distinct tones which are used to differentiate homophones. For example, the syllable ma can have four distinct meanings depending on the tone. The grammar of pÃâ tÃ
ng hu is relatively simple when compared with many European languages. There are no tenses or verb agreements, and the basic sentence structure is subject-verb-object. The use of untranslated particles for clarification and a temporal location is one of the features that make pÃâ tÃ
ng hu challenging for second-language learners.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Reaction paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reaction - Research Paper Example This would be a positive development in the field of psychology as early diagnosis would also mean early medical intervention. With DCN, I believe that the causes and symptoms of various mental disorders such as schizophrenia, amnesia, autism and Alzheimerââ¬â¢s will be brought to a better light. From the article, it was mentioned that in DCN, the ââ¬Å"methods involve the imaging of brain function in noninvasive ways that are very safe and friendly to infants and their parents.â⬠Although the proponents of this method being used for imaging the brain function claim that it is safe, I still doubt whether there a number of parents who would allow their babies to become ââ¬Å"guinea pigsâ⬠and undergo such experiments. I think that this can be a possible hindrance in the further advancement of DCN in the area of infant brain development. I also wonder whether this method of studying brain functions could be applied not only to babies but to geriatric individuals as well. If it is possible, then the medical world will probably have a better understanding of mental disorders like Alzheimerââ¬â¢s, which is common to old people.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Microeconomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Microeconomics - Assignment Example These goods are traded in the market where the buyer and seller first agree on a price level and then the buyer acquires the good. Thus, consumers have to pay for the good in order to acquire its benefits. Cars and cell phones are examples. In contrast, a public good is one that is available for all and does not necessarily need to be acquired by paying for it. For example, street lights or a light house benefit all instead of one person. The increase in the number of public goods by the government helps it to cut across the system of class disparity and allows everyone to benefit from them without actually paying for the goods. The government thus produces public goods to increase the social welfare of the society. Ans 3) Private goods are paid for by the consumers in order to get ownership of the good. Thus, only the person buying it acquires all the benefits. However, the free rider concept comes into play when one entity such as the government is responsible for providing all the benefits that are equally shared by the people. An example of this can be bridges and roads that are used by everyone while the government builds them. Ans 4) The optimal quantity of pollution can never be zero because any production activity in the economy makes pollution an unavoidable spillover effect. For instance, a car manufacturing company will cause air pollution and for an economy that is operating on a free market basis with no government intervention, even though the cost of the pollution will not be borne by the company, it will be a byproduct of that production process. Thus at any point, the optimal quantity of pollution can never be zero unless all forms of economic activity are halted (Mankiw, 2002). Ans 5) Increasing the gas tax would have a number of adverse effects. Firstly, the cost of other goods will increase with the increase in gas tax. The automobile, aviation and shipping industry rely heavily on gas and will raise their prices in accordance to the increas e in tax so that the costs can be covered. In addition to this, the purchase of automobiles will decrease since the gas tax would result in a higher cost of the car for the consumer. Secondly, the demand for gasoline is considered to be inelastic in the short run. This means that the gas consumption would not decrease with an increase in gas prices. Therefore, an increased gas tax would be a further strain on the costs of manufacturers and consumers. Also, this increase would be reflected on specifically the lower and middle income groups that own fewer vehicles than the higher income group. People in rural and remote areas depend on public transportation and thus a high gas tax would be unfair to the low income groups (Oââ¬â¢Sullivan & Sheffrin, 2005). Ans 6) Pollution is defined as damage or harm caused to the environment that we live in. A pollution tax will thus reduce pollution by making large and small organizations to take responsibility for the pollution their economic ac tivities cause. The revenue from these taxes can be used to take measures to eliminate the pollutants that are responsible for harming the environment. For instance, a carbon emission tax can allow the government to invest in projects that reduces industry pollution such as CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage). Moreover, a pollution tax will balance the pollution costs that many organizations may not incorporate in their production proces
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
External Environment And Organisational Culture Of Apple UK Marketing Essay
External Environment And Organisational Culture Of Apple UK Marketing Essay The aim of this report is to explain the brief history of Apple Inc and analyse the internal and external environment and organisational culture of Apple UK. The findings in this report will supported by academic models and theories. 2.0 Methodology: The internet is useful source for any kind search, the information I gathered for this report is from search engine e.g. Google, university recommended books and lecture notes. 3.0 Introduction: Environment can be defined as, the amalgamation of external physical circumstances that impinge and influence the augmentation, development and survival of creation. Therefore, the business environment would define as same, all the factors internal and external that affects its profitability and growth. It is very important for the business leader to carry out business environmental analysis to understand their business topography at present time. Apple Inc is an American company which operates in different countries in other words. This report briefly characterizes the Apple UK environmental analysis. The environmental analysis will focus on internal environment SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) and external environment will focus on PESTEL (political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal) of Apple UK with the support of academic models and theories. The final part of this report is the assessment of Apple culture and organisational culture. 4.0 Defining the Business Environment: Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantages for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations. (Johnson and Scholes) Business environment means the forces or the factors that affect the business decisions. It is important for businesses to analyse those forces in order to come up with problem solving solutions. Some of those forces are out of business control e.g. political, social, economical these forces called as external forces which are out of business control. The environment which businesses have or can hold is called the internal environment. 4.1 Importance of Business Environment: History is abundant with paradigms of organisation that have failed to apprehend their operating environment, or simply fizzle to react to transform in the environment. The after-effect was gradual decay in their profitability, and hereafter they may break off to exist as a viable business. Therefore, understanding business environment is very important it brings the early assimilation of opportunities and threats that business may suffer and helps to prevent from oncoming business threats instead of losing to competitors. 4.2 Analysis of Business Environment: Environmental analysis is a precise evolution that initiate from assimilation of environmental factors, accessing their constitution and impact, analysing them to come up with their impact to the business, and accomplishing distinctive contour for positioning. Business environment can competently assay using following business environment: 4.2.1 Internal Business Environment: Internal environment reflects the internal factor of the business which organisations can control and can adapt or alter from time to time. The best way of explain internal business environment of any organisation is use of SWOT and Porters value chain analysis. 4.2.2 External Business Environment: External business environment represent the uncontrollable factors, the external factors can be analysed using PESTEL and Porters five forces. Kotler argues that PESTEL analysis is an effective strategic tool for understanding market development and decline, business position, conceivable and direction for operations. 5.0 What is Apples Inc. Apple Inc is an American intercontinental organisation with a hub on conception and fabricating consumer electronics and intimately connected software products. Entrenched in Cupertino, California on April 1, 1976 Apple evolves sells and supports a variety of personal computers, music players, mobile phones, and computer softwares and hardware accessories. As of November 2010, Apple operates over 300 stores worldwide and online shop where its products are sold. The Apples well known hardware products involve Macintosh for personal computers, the iPod for media players and iphone. The Apple Inc was known as Apple computers Inc for its first thirty years of business. The Apple Inc dropped computers from its name on January 9, 2007 because the Apples expansion towards consumer electronics in accessions to its core business of personal computers. Apple employs over 49,400 employees worldwide and Apples financial results for its fiscal fourth quarter ended September 25, 2010 Apple posted record revenue of $20.34 billion and net quarterly profit of $4.31 billion or $4.64 per diluted share. 5.1 Apples Inc History: Apple was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Woznaik and Roland Wayne to sell its Apple I personal computers. Roland Wayne left the company on January 3, 1977 who sold his share back to Jobs and Woznaik. The Apple I personal computers were hand built by Woznaik in the common room of jobs fathers home. The Apple I was came to market at home brew computers club almost 200 computers were built and was sold as motherboard not they sell currently as full personal computers. 1989-1991 been called first golden age for apple when apple introduces its power book in 1991, the modern layout of laptop computers and the same year Apple introduces system 7 for its operating systems. Apple introduces its online store on November 10, 1997; Apple introduces its new all in one Mac computer on August 15, 1998. Apple sold almost 800,000 units of imac in first five months and holds the strong name in the market also made a good profit. Apple opened its first retail store in Virginia and California on 19 May 2001 and carry on opening new stores in United States and other countries. In later 2001 Apple introduces its music player iPod, it was a big success and sold over 100 million units in six years since it introduce. Apple introduces its first chip computer on January 10, 2006 a note book computer called Mac book pro in 2006 Apple transformed all its products into Intel chips. In 2007 Apple announced the launch of iPhone and Apple TV and the following day Apple share price hit all time high. Apple introduces its iPhone in 2007 which was big success and later updated version of Apple iphones and in 2010 Apple launched its new innovation called iPad. 5.2 Apple Inc Mission Statement: Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumer around the world through its innovative hardware, software and internet offering. 5.3 Apple Inc Vision Statement: Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not subordinate to them. 6.0 Apples Inc UK Environmental Analysis: Apple Inc is the leading consumer electronic brand in United Kingdom, operating around 29 Apples retail stores and online store within UK. Apple UK environment can be analyse using internal and external environmental analysis. 6.1 Apples Inc UK Internal Environmental Analysis: Apples internal environmental analysis represents the factors which Apple has controlled over them, those factors best analyse using SWOT analysis and Porters Value chain analysis. 6.1.1 SWOT Analysis of Apples UK: SWOT analysis will focus on following factors of Apple Inc: Source: Strengths of Apple Inc UK: Brand Name: Apple has well established and strong brand name among the consumer and its competitor through quality and introducing new products. Innovative: Apple is been innovative since the beginning, always come up with new ideas and products. Microsoft and Intel: Apple use to produce its own software for its product but working with Microsoft and Intel gave edge to its profitability. Research and Development: Apple has strong research and development to its competitor this is the reason apple always come up with new innovation. Financial Vitality: Apple has cash reserve continued strong and stable although the idle market shares development of computer hardware and software area. Apple achieves this by resisting market pressure to cut cost by product packaging and forming strategic agreement. Customer Loyalty and Quality: Apple has strong customer loyalty because of the quality of product that Apple provides to its customers. Weaknesses of Apple Inc UK: High Price: Apples products are higher in price, even though many of consumers want to use Apples product but they cannot afford to buy one. Weak Relationship: Apple relationship with Microsoft and Intel is not as strong as it should be. Weak Presence in Business Area: Apple have only 29 retail store operating in United Kingdom. The Product Life Cycle: The Apples product life cycle is very small so the revenue is mostly depending on its new product or service. Less Attraction towards Corporate Customers: Apple products do not attract corporate customers. Technological Complications: Apples mostly face problems with its software and hardware. Opportunities of Apples Inc UK: Fast Growing Industry: Apple started with personal computers, now they are selling music players, laptop computers, mobile phones, iPads and also online music store. Technological Innovation: Apple can develop strong position in market doing joint venture and Laptop computer market growth is high so it can develop new models to fulfil the need of customers. The Online Store: the e-commerce is growing rapidly, ITunes is the online store developed by Apple. Improve Warranty and Reduce Prices: Apple can improve its warranty program and reduce its product prices to challenge its competitors prices and hold a strong position in market. Threats of Apple Inc UK: Fierce Competition: Apple has strong competition with its competitors within same industry. Economic Crisis: economic crises have negative impact on Apple sales because consumers do not spend too much in critical situations. Microsoft: Microsoft recently launched windows 7 with alluring user interface and new features which can attract Macintosh user to switch to windows. ITunes: free downloading of music and videos may affect the profitability of Apple online store. 6.1.2 Porters Value Chain Analysis of Apples UK: Source: The value chain approached was established by Michael Porter in his book competitive advantage in the 1980s. Michael Porter value chain analysis accommodates a series of activities found to be accepted to a wide range of organisations. Porters describe primary and supportive activities as shown in the above diagram. The Primary Activities of Value Chain and Apple UK: Inbound Logistics: the process of acquiring and depot of raw materials and their distribution to accomplishing as they are appropriated. In case of Apple UK the inbound logistics are the new ideas, product designs, Intel chips and other required raw material. Operations: it is the process of transforming inputs into outputs and services. Apples software products are developed in US and all the hardware products e.g. computers, music players and mobile phones assembled in China. Outbound Logistics: it is the process of distributing and warehousing of products. In case of Apple products are distributed from Chine and warehoused in Apples allocated warehouse in UK. Marketing and Sales: the process of identifying customers requirement and creation of sales. When the Apple product is ready to entre in the market Apple advertise it itself showing rich features and Apple suppliers advertise it as well to generate awareness among the consumers. Service: it is the process of feedback after the products and services are sold to customer. Apple feedbacks from its customers are always good about its products and services it is because of the quality Apple provide to its customers. The Supportive Activities of Value Chain and Apple UK: Firm Infrastructure: it focuses on the organisational culture, structure and organisational control system. Apple is an American multinational organisation its UK operation is influence by its background and consideration of consumer needs in United Kingdom. Human Resource Management: represents the recruiting of employees, development, training and compensation. Apple UK recruits the local staff and trained them about their products so they can help and satisfy Apples customers. Technology Development: the important part of any organisation it focuses on improves and new technology introduce to system it gives organisation a competitive advantage. Apple itself a technology business so keep introducing new and beneficial technology to its business. Procurement: it focuses on valuable purchase of inputs such as raw material equipment and supplies. Apple main raw material is to buy chips to produce good quality and moderate products. 6.1.3 Critical Discussion on Apple Internal Environment: SWOT and Porters value chain analysis explained the internal environment of Apple UK, hence it will help to understand the current and future position of organisation. SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis of Apple shows the strength of company the factors which Apple are doing its best, weaknesses explained the factors which Apple do not provide its best, opportunity explained the factors what Apple can achieved using its resources and threats shows the factor which can damage the profitability and growth of Apple. SWOT analysis shows the strength of Apple is very strong to protect its image, the weakness Apple has they can do more research and development to overcome those weaknesses, Apple must utilise its opportunities to make its brand strong and if Apple can work on their weaknesses and opportunities its threats will be overcome or may be reduce. The Value chain analysis show the business culture and business operating system which shows that Apple Value chain is valuable because their product assembled in China with low cost and they have their UK operating system and human resource follows the required environment as in United Kingdom. 6.2 Apples Inc UK External environmental Analysis: External environment represent the factors which organisations do not have controlled over them. PESTEL and Porters five forces will best explain the Apples external environment. 6.2.1 PESTLE Analysis of Apple Inc UK: Source: Political: government type, its stability, current and future taxation policies. Apple does not have any control over it, to cope with this Apple has to change with it as in United Kingdom VAT rate is going up to 20% from 17.5% it will cause Apples product prices will go up. Economical: economical situation, inflation, interest rate and strengths of consumer spending. It will directly affect the Apple and its profit, if economical situation is bad consumer will spend less. Social: population growth rate, life style of people, culture, religion media views and perception. Apple has to consider all those things to do business and have to have with consumer needs. Technological: it represents the current and future technology, research and development and rate of technology change. Apple itself an electronic organisation so it has to keep up to date and move on to new technologies. Legal: it focuses on legislation in employment and health and safety, changes in law, trading policies and regulatory bodies. Apple has to update itself with new legal laws and change its policies according to it. Environmental: it focuses on recycling consideration, amount of pollution created by product or services, attitude to the environment from government and environmental pressure groups. Apple is electronic organisation so it has to consider its packaging that it can be recycled. 6.2.2 Porters Five Forces Analysis of Apple Inc UK: Source: The five forces model was developed by Michael Porter in his book competitive strategy in 1980s. The model is simple but effective tool to understand business position. It is helpful to understand current competitive strategy and strength of business that it is cogitating to move into. The five factors in this model are: Supplier Power: it accommodates all the supply of inputs that are required to provide products or services. It reflects how many, and who is the supplier of the company and what is the strength of supplier and switching to different supplier will cost more, as Apples main supplier of chips are Intel. Buyer Power: it is impact the consumers have on company, when buyer power is strong the relationship of the company is called monopsony in economist term. When there are many suppliers and one buyer then the buyer set the price. Apple has many competitors they sell their products less in price than apple, the buyer threat for Apple is high. Threat of new Entrant: competition is high and every organisation wants to diverse it business so it is easier for companies to enter in new market. Apple is electronic organisation it already has many competitors around so threat of new entrant is high for Apple. Threat of Substitute: it focuses on the alternative products available in market with low price and better performance. Apple produce music players, computers, mobile phone and iPad there are many other companies which are producing same products with lower price. Competitive Rivalry: it describes the competition between the existing companies in same industry high competition result in margin, pressure on selling price. Apples products are higher in price than its competitors so threat level is high for Apple. 6.2.3 Critical Discussion on Apple Inc UK External Environment: External environments are the uncontrollable factors for any organisation. Apples external factors were analysed using PESTLE and Porters five forces. PESTLE analysis focused on political, economical, social, technological, legal and environmental factors of Apple UK. However Apple does not have any controlled over them but Apple can change it with them, recently the current United Kingdom government increased VAT rate to 20% from 17.5% this will result in product prices it will go up. Apple can reduce its price to keep customers happy or offered them some incentive. Most of the organisations have pressure from environmental organisation about environment pollution Apple can produce its recycled packaging. Apple has to keep considering social and economical factors and do research and development to cope with them. Porters five forces helps to gain competitive advantage, Apple have many competitors around but it has strong brand value and name and competitive advantage from its compe titor. Apple have to keep analysing five forces of Porter and find its best place in the market and carry out more research and development to bring new ideas and innovations. 7.0 Organisational Culture: Organisational culture is the nature of the organisation. Culture is composing of the beliefs, values, norms and corporeal artefacts of organisation employees and their behaviour. Any organisational culture can be best analyse using Geert Hofstede cultural dimension. 7.1 Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions: Hofstede found five different cultural dimensions in his study of interaction between national and organisational culture. Power Distance: represent the power within the society is divided equally or unequally and what extant society accepts this power distribution. Individualism: individualism is the one side against its opposite. Individualism/ collectivism represent the people act according to self interest or the interest of group. Masculinity: masculinity against its opposite femininity represents the distribution of role between genders. Uncertainty Avoidance: it refers the member of the society requires structure and boundaries at work place. High uncertainty avoidance societies are intolerant of risk. Low uncertainty avoidance societies are where risk and anomaly widely accepted. Long-term Orientation: it refers to society accent attached to future against the present and past. In long term people appraise action and approach that affect the future and in short term people appraise action and approach that affect present and past. 7.2 Apples UK organisational Culture: Source: Apple is a multinational organisation its business structure based on country of origin. Apple United Kingdom culture based demographic and social factors of UK. Hoftede study of cultural dimension show UK is most like to be individualistic culture followed by masculinity. It shows people in United Kingdom are individualistic and there is not much difference between genders. Apples employees are more individualistic and there is not bias against any gender, therefore Apple is the successful organisation within the United Kingdom. 8.0 Recommendations: Apple has many competitors within its industry, Apple try to reduce the cost of products and maintain good quality. Apple has very less retail stores it must try to open more stores and joint venture with any big organisation will help to expand the business. Apple must continue to bring new ideas and innovation and expand its business. 9.0 Conclusion: Apple is the successful company with a strong brand name and has many competitors within same industry. Apple internal business environment was analysed by using SWOT and Porters value chain analysis. SWOT analysis focused on strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which explained Apples strength give it a strong hold against its competitors, weakness and threats would overcome by research and development, opportunities will bring more strength to organisation. Porters value chain analysed Apple business system which is valuable but they to consider it to cut the prices of its product. Apple external environment was analysed using PESTLE and Porters five forces the external factors are uncontrollable factors that Apple do not have any controlled over them but it cannot resist them but change with them effectively to maintain its growth and profitability. Organisational culture represents the nature of organisation Hofstede cultural dimension helps to analyse culture. United K ingdom is most likely to be individualistic and masculinity cultures where people work for self interest and there is not much differ in gender. Apple UK culture is suitable and acceptable for the people in United Kingdom that what make Apple is a successful organisation in the United Kingdom.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay --
Hamlet is a classic example of a story that has a tragic effect. In order for a story to have this effect it must have a tragic hero that receives sympathy from the audience members. To be a tragic hero a character must possess good characteristics: bravery and loyalty, but they also can possess a bad one like pride. In the play Hamlet, Hamlet became the tragic hero after his father is killed. His father, King Hamlet, is killed by his brother Claudius so that he could inherit the throne and everything that came with the kingdom of Denmark. After his fatherââ¬â¢s death, Hamlet avenges his fatherââ¬â¢s death by trying to kill Claudius. Hamlet is the tragic hero because he is brave and loyal, but he could not move past his fatherââ¬â¢s death quick enough which ultimately play a key role in his death. The audience feels sympathy for the predicament that hamlet is in which makes him the perfect tragic hero of the play Hamlet. At the beginning of the play Hamlet is going through a hard time in his life. His father just died, and his mother just married his uncle less than two months later. Hamletââ¬â¢s ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
How Students Can Improve Their Self-Discipline and Time Management Skills
IntroductionTime management, although its term may be a misnomer, is about managing your time with a focus on achievement: of doing and completing those things which you want to do and which need doing. (Adair, J., Thomas, N. 2004, p.4). A good time management strategy can be accompanied by a range of techniques in managing time when accomplishing a certain task or goals within a due date. There are many types of students around the world ranging from preschooler to full time studies to working adults, including myself, studying part time courses. Students tend to procrastinate and get distracted from focusing their work. Therefore, it is important for students to manage their time well and train their self-discipline since young to stay focus in their studies. In this essay, we will be focusing and applying suggestions outlined by Adair, John (1987) and Masterton, Alisa (1997) to discuss more on how students can improve their self-discipline and time management skills. John Adair â â¬â Time ManagementOther than being organized or efficient, John Adair believes that time management should be goal-driven and results-oriented. There are ten principles of time management as outlined by John Adair as follows; Develop a sense of personal timeIt is important for us as a student to understand and analyses how to spend and improve the time available to us as the first step to change. Students can keep a record of their time spent such as daily time log and then review it after a few days. By doing this, it will help the students to understand how they have responded to various tasks at different times of the day and may adjust or improve accordingly to their needs. In fact, students will get a much better feeling such as the feeling of satisfaction for the way they spend their time.As mentioned in Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.9), students are to ensure the followings in order for them to improve the use of time:Your time is spent according to a clear idea of your priorities and main responsibilities.You isolate the unimportant and ruthlessly prune out unnecessary or unproductive activities.You combine any ââ¬Ëfreeââ¬â¢ time (i.e. free from meetings or other peopleââ¬â¢s demands) to create meaningful and usable time of your own.Tasks are simplified where others would not beà adversely affected.You are not doing tasks which could be performed by others.An example of time log:Source: Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.8) Identifying long-term goalsIt may be worth for students to ponder and identifying their long-term goals as it provides them with a sense of purpose and direction to achieve. Any potential conflicts can also be recognized during this process. For instance: â⬠¢What do we want to be in 3 or 5 yearsââ¬â¢ time?What strengths and weaknesses do we have?How can we improve?Walt Goodridge provides 5-steps approach which can be put into use for students to set up their goals:Step 1: Find your ââ¬ËWhyââ¬â¢It is crucial to understand the reason when doing certain things.Step 2: Write your goals downThis motivates students to work for their goals.Step 3: Quantify your goalsStudents should avoid doubts or creating fuzzy goals. They should bespecific when setting out goals.Step 4: Break them downIt will be much easier and manageable for students, especially those who love to procrastinate, to accomplish their goals by breaking down them into smaller parts.Step 5: Develop a strategyStudents should prioritize their task by working out a plan to accomplish their desire goals.Make middle-term plansMiddle-term plans can be seen as operational plan which may help students to achieve their long term-goals by setting out: who? What? When? Where? How? And Why? Adair, J. has set out an acronym to set targets which are known as S.M.A.R.T.Specific ââ¬â the target must be clear and unambiguousMeasurable ââ¬â a concrete criteria is needed for measuring the progress in achieving the target Attainable ââ¬â it emphasizes the importance of targets that are realistic and attainable Relevant ââ¬â the target must be in alignment with other targets whether it is worthwhile or right time etc. Time bound ââ¬â the target to be set within a time frame, for instance, a target date, to help students to focus their efforts in completing their task before the due date. Planning the dayAdair, J (2004) also emphasizes that the golden rule is to shape the plan an outline for each day by listing the various components. This can help students to categorize and prioritize in relation to the urgency and importance task accordingly. Students need to understand and distinguish ââ¬Ëimportantââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëurgentââ¬â¢ term accordingly. Important activities have a result which leads to the achievement of students goals while urgent activities require immediate attention which often associated with the achievement of someone elseââ¬â¢s goals. Student may use below Time Management Matrix which is a useful tool to set their priorities.Time Management MatrixSource: Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.14) Students may face difficulties in juggling with so many responsibilities. Therefore, students should also include in their systems for identifying what must be done today, should be done today and what might be done today (Adair, J., Thomas, N. 2004, p.15) Make best use of your timeThere are certain times where students are more productive than other times. Therefore, it is a must to know which of the quality times students are mentally alert and consistent in performing their task. Breaks in between will also help students to work in concentrated burst. However, students should not take this opportunity to procrastinate in between. Organize office workStudents will need a convenient place to study that is free from distractions in order to be able to focus better. It is also prudent for students to avoid on spending so much time reading which can be easily forgotten.There fore, it is encouraged for students to follow the following steps:Step 1: Shape your environmentAs mentioned earlier, it is important to have a convenient environment to study. There are many things which can distract students from doing their work diligently. Therefore, students have to find ways to overcome these challenges and manage their self-discipline.Step 2: Establishing a daily routineIt would be much easier once the students have created a routine to manage their plans. This may thus help to avoid procrastination and improve self-discipline. Manage meetings effectivelyIt is encouraged for students to prepare well in advance before attending to any workshops or classes to enable them to have a clearer idea on the concepts that are relevant to that particular workshop and thus being able to contribute to the discussion. Delegate effectivelyIn studentsââ¬â¢ context, it may be a principle which is indirectly in relation to getting others to take some of their workload to en able them to have more time to study. For instance, a working student may request the boss to delegate some of the work responsibilities to someone else so that he/she can leave work at reasonable time to study at home. This may increase the opportunity for students to have more free time to study. Make use of committed timeStudents can make use of their available time more effectively to increase their achievement level. This can be done by doing productive activities to schedule alongside which have to be committed to other activities in their daily routines or during waiting time and travel time. For instance, student may use the opportunity of the long lunch break by reading through some of the lectures or articles. Manage your healthIt is vital for students to look after their energy and stamina levels as time management is about ensuring that they maximize their available time wisely. This is to ensure that students do not suffer any time deprivation through illness of mind or body. In other words, it is important for students to have a well-balanced life.Bad management in both time and stress can push either of them out of control. Students are therefore encouraged to keep themselves healthy and stress-free during their break times by doing certain activities which will helps to clear their mind.Alisa Masterton ââ¬â Time ManagementOther than Adairââ¬â¢s (1987) list of ten principles for better time management, Alisa Masterton (1997) also outlines a similar list which may assist students as follows: PlanningPlanning helps student to have an overview of the needs to be done with given due date in order for them to accomplish or achieve certain task.PriortisingStudents tend to start prioritizing on tasks that appear urgent however are actually which are not the most important ones. Therefore, it is prudent for them to do things that are of equally important. No time wastingStudents should avoid doing things that are not important to prevent themselv es from wasting any unnecessary time.Learning to say noà Students must avoid from doing task or taking on tasks which does not fit them in. For instance, when they became too pre-occupied and stressed with their own workload, they may not be able to do things effectively.Controlling paperworkIt is important to be organized to avoid missing datelines, losing important things which may lead to waste of time in searching for missing items.The diary as a toolHaving a diary may help students to keep track of what needs to be done with the given due date in relation to the plan and priorities which has been set out.ConclusionFrom time to time, students may face problems in doing their task efficiently and effectively. The main challenges are procrastination and distraction or even having trapped of perfectionism which may hinder the chances to success and thus results in failure. Students who practice good time management skills is often that they are more productive, having more energy to achieveà their task or goals, feeling less stress, having the ability in getting more things done. Both Adairââ¬â¢s (1987) and Mastertonââ¬â¢s (1997) time management techniques are helpful for students to manage their time well. Students can balance their time management strategy that works best to be more effectively, productive and thus improve their self-discipline.
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