Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Terrorism Goes Global Extremist Groups Extend Their...
Introduction When the term ââ¬Å"Terroristâ⬠is the topic of conversation in businesses or social gatherings, images of individuals wearing mask or head gear come to mind. However, todaysââ¬â¢ terrorist is hard to pinpoint because of their ambiguous character/feature. Unlike traditionally armed, and uniformed soldiers, terrorists may be any person representing any country around the world. Once considered uneducated, cladded middle-eastern attire, or a rogue demeanor depicted by a lack of grooming standards. Most Americans view middle easterners involved in terrorist activities to look like Osama Bin Laden or somewhat similar. One coincidental and sure fact that is known about terrorism, is that it has in fact gone ââ¬Å"globalâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Terrorism Goes Global,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ramzi Yousef found no satisfaction in his successful assault on the WTC, he wanted to send the message early on that he could reach his reign of terror to as Far East as the United States and its allies reached. Unfortunately, next on his hit list was Manila, plotting another airline disaster, and by doing so, Ramzi Yousef was no longer a local terrorist, but acquired the status of an international terrorist. To exacerbate matters, Ramzi Yousef was captured and arrested in Pakistan in 1995, yet planning more terror attacks targeting Asia. Paul Pillarââ¬â¢s article, points out several key elements and what characterized Yousef and the team that carried out the successful attack in 1993. First, he identified all members of the WTC attack as unaffiliated to any known terrorist group. Each came together for one purpose, and all had the freedom to travel from one point to another undetected. Additionally, a vulnerability on passport checks at international borders was clearly established and identified that despite our best intentions ââ¬Å"highly discontented people can bring about the malignant combination of ringleader, collaborators, and target.â⬠Secondly, Paul Pillar asserts that modern day terrorist utilize technology to their advantages without the risk of being captured. Today, the war against ISIS is waged on the ground globally, but with collaborators internationally. The o verwhelming growing
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Need For Conflict Resolution On The Land Use Conflict...
1 Research Objective The need for conflict resolution in the land use conflict between concessions companies and community members of the Nimba County in Liberia cannot be over emphasized since the sustainability of most economies is predicated on the availability of natural resource of that country. Concessions companies are established to accomplish their set objectives which includes profit making and for these objectives to be attained stability and peaceful atmosphere must play a significant role. It is important to know that due to the present competition amongst investors around the globe there is the need for these concession companies to adapt the culture of consulting community stakeholders when it comes to dealings with theirâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The third chapter presents the methodology that focuses on land use conflict by concessions companies and its impacts on the community stakeholders and the Nimba community as a whole and examines its statistical properties, including paramete r constancy. Chapter four provides analysis of empirical results and discussion. Finally the fifth chapter is the conclusion. It also presents point for future research topics and makes recommendations which can be useful in enhancing a peaceful coexistence between concessions companies and community members in Nimba county and Liberia as a whole. 1.2.3 Personal Interviews Qualitative research employs a variety of techniques to explore and interpret the way in which a social actor experience or perceive the world and make meaning of the experience. According to (Sander et al 2007), in an exploratory study (like this), semi-structured interview is helpful in finding out what is happening in order to seek out new insight, hence its adoption. Interviews attempt to understand the world from the subjectivistââ¬â¢s point of view, to unfold the meaning of peopleââ¬â¢s experience, expectation and actions. Interviews therefore provide deep meaningful data that reveal each individualââ¬â¢s perspective. Semi-structured interviews allow the researcher to access another personââ¬â¢s opinion and discover
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Social Networks in Business Research-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Social Networks in Business Research. Answer: Introduction Business organizations involved in the activities of either manufacturing a product or offering certain services to a group of targeted customers to gain a profit. Such activities are important, and the means through which these organizations carry them out determines the margin of profit that they obtain. An organization that for example offers high-quality services to the customers in most cases manage to win many customers who seek its services. When that occurrence takes place, the organization manage to increase the gains that it obtains and it eventually becomes successful. Organizations have many ways through which they can ensure that they establish effectiveness in the activities that they involve in. About the production of the products that they offer, to begin with, organizations have an aim of ensuring that they offer high-quality products. They achieve this by maintaining effectiveness in the production process and also ensuring that they attain high-quality supplies fo r use in the production. Without sufficient establishment of the best products for production, it is very difficult to create a product that can be regarded as being of high quality. Apart from production, other important organizational activities that help in ensuring that the organization increases its gains with its activities include transportation, market penetration strategies and marketing and sales of the organizational products. Each one of these sections is important and highly beneficial to the organization. Maintaining effectiveness in each one of them ensures that the organization manages to remain effective in its activities and thus it eventually acquires significant gains in the form of profits (McDonald, 2017). In this paper, the focus is maintained in the activities of marketing and sales of organizational products. The paper is guided by the research topic, Advantages and Disadvantages of using social networks in Business. Project Objective The objective of this project is to provide information regarding the importance of sales and marketing in the process of establishing organizational effectiveness, and mainly explaining the most appropriate means through which this effect can be achieved. The project also focusses mostly on the aspects of social networks, which consists of the different ways through which business organizations manage to communicate to their customers and the means by which they establish this communication. Social networks are utilized to establish a social connection between people, in a way that they can communicate and share ideas. Organizations utilize these networks to be able to connect to their customers and c0mmunicate different aspects of their products through the activities of advertising. Advertisements help in convincing the customers that the products or services being offered by an organization are of significant value to them, and thus they should consider purchasing them. Project scope There is a large number of issues that require being addressed under the topic of organizational effectiveness and the means that organizations use to succeed. For this project, however, each one of these aspects will not be addressed. The project maintains its focus on the aspects and ways through which organizations can increase their effectiveness and that of the activities that they involve in, through the use of social networks. It addresses issues regarding the importance of an organization in maintaining effectiveness in its activities and remaining in complete capability to connect to its customers through the use of social networks (Nicholls, 2011). Literature review The issue of social networks and how they can be utilized by many business organizations has been of significant concern to a large number of individuals. With this regard, many literal sources have been authored with the aim of managing to address the issues in question. Literal sources that explain issues regarding these aspects focus on different specific areas and provide details on how these areas are connected to the aspects of social networks and business. In their article, Ioanid and Scarlet explain about the many factors that exist, which influence the use of social networks for business. The research study carried out by these two authors is obtained from an analysis of both YouTube and Twitter. In their paper, the authors focus on the different influencing factors that push organizational managers, representatives or entrepreneurs into using social networks in organizational operations (Scarlat Ioanid, 2016). The first factor that the authors focus on is the factor of effectiveness in operations. The authors begin by explaining that it is significantly important for individuals like organizational managers and promoters to ensure that the organization succeeds in activities like sales and marketing of the products that organizations offer to its customers. Among the most effective channels through which these activities can be carried out include the channels of social networks. The author then embarks on explaining what social networks are and the means through which they are utilized for the benefit of the organizations. Among others, an example of social networks includes social media networks like Twitter and Facebook and other video view networks like YouTube. A common aspect of these networks is the fact that they do not charge people to share information to others or to view and retrieve the information that has been shared. This aspect has caused people to prefer these networks in sharing their information, and thus millions of people utilize them to read and share new information. From the information that these authors provide, therefore, it is clear that social networks are highly beneficial to an organization that is highly interested in communicating with a large group of individuals that are its target customers (Scarlat Ioanid, 2016). In the article, Business Reputation of Social Networks of Web Services, explanation is provided regarding how an organization can establish a certain social network, and manage to provide a business based reputation to the public. As explained earlier, social networks help business organizations to manage to operate in the right manner and maintain the effectiveness of the activities that are required. Many social networks are utilized by people currently. Examples include4 the social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, which people embrace and use in aspects of socializing. The purpose of these networks was however not for use in business activities, and even though businesses utilize them, most people do not use them to view and identify products. Business organizations, therefore, have the opportunity of establishing their social networks which are created with the form of being completely effective. With this regard, therefore, the first aspect of consideration is ensuring that the organization is effective and that all aspects have been put into consideration (Maamar, Costantino, Petrocchi, Martinelli, 2015). The authors of the article explain that one of the main advantages of establishing a business dedicated social network is the fact that it such a network can be controlled by the business and that the business can shape its reputation to remain business oriented. People actively seek for places where they can view and identify the products that they believe are of value to them and look into their prices. A business social network has the ability of effectively playing this role while revealing the new products that the organization may be offering. Any information posted on such a network can be controlled by the business, and thus ensure that all the potential customers manage to view the specific information that they need. To remain effective in their operations. The other important aspect of consideration is the means through which an organization can manage to retain effectiveness in the activities needed and the means through which that effectiveness can be achieved (Maamar, C ostantino, Petrocchi, Martinelli, 2015). The other source that provides information regarding social networks and their relations with business organizations explain about the tools that are utilized by business networks and clusters in communication. In this source, the authors begin by explaining that to any communication to take place; a tool must be utilized to establish that communication. An internet platform like Facebook where social communications and socialization between people take place is a tool. Such a tool is the main reason through which these communications take place. For business organizations to manage to establish a social network that can be utilized for communications, the first important aspect to consider is the means through which these business communications can take place. When a business organization, therefore needs to establish its business social network that it will use for communication about business issues only, the first aspect of consideration is selecting the tool for the same. The author explains the first tool of communication is currently embraced by many business organizations is the internet. Through the internet, platforms are established where business organizations manage to communicate effectively with their customers and have the communication information stored for use in future. The other tool that is also being used rampantly is the use of communication applications. The applications have the requirement for any individuals willing to communicate to have its access. With its access, the individuals manage to communicate effectively. The other communication tools that are used are the features that can be implemented in the well-known social networks like Facebook to allow business organizations to use them for their purposes. These include creating business accounts on those platforms and business pages. Such tools help to communicate to the large number of people in the platform about issues that are of interest to the business (Letitia, Veron ica, Sofica, 2014). The other literal source that address issues regarding social networks and their impact on business organizations are the source, Social Media Impact on Business Evaluation. This source has its main focus on social media and assesses the impact that its utilization has on the business. The authors begin by explaining that social media provides a platform that business organizations attain the ability to communicate to its customers with. By providing this ability, organizations attain a means through which they advertise their products to the customers. In social media, information posted by people remains in the accounts where it is posted. This aspect makes the platform an effective platform to share information. An individual can even manage to view information that was posted yesterday, even after millions of posts being sent to the platform after. When an organization, therefore, utilizes the platform to make an advert for the product, people who view the advert are not limited to those that were online when the information was being stored. On the centrally, all individuals who would like to view the advert have the chance to do so, through the account or page where that information was posted. This feature of social media makes it possible for organizations to share information cheaply to a large number of people (Jurgelane, Grizane, 2017). The other important feature of social media that is significantly beneficial to organizations in their process of information sharing is the feature of resending information and sharing. When an individual views and identifies an important piece of information, he or she has the chance and opportunity to share that information with other people in his or her account. With this feature, social media also becomes the most appropriate platform through which a piece of information attains the ability to reach the largest number of people within a very short period. Information is of significant importance. Without it, it is difficult to enable organizations to remain effective. When an organization is effective and capable of maintaining an effective way of communicating, individuals lack the means through which they can establish this communication. The other important feature, which the authors explain applies to all social networks is the fact that through them, organizations manage to stratified the target groups which are effective for their specific adverts. The authors explain that different social networks are appropriate and mostly visited by certain individuals, and thus strategically placing business advertisements in different platforms makes organizations manage to communicate important business information to the targeted groups. An example of a sports page in a platform like Facebook reveals the means through which the organizations manage to separate groups of viewers and product targets. When an organization is offering products that are specifically for men or sports, sports related pages are appropriate selections for making these adverts and adding the advertisement ads. This is because in such pages, the number of men that are likely to view the information is likely to be relatively high than that of women, and a large number of sports players are also likely to be found on such pages. With this regard, therefore, the information provided in such a platform can help an organization in targeting a certain group of potential buyers to products (Jurgelane, Grizane, 2017). The other source that provides information regarding the impact of social networks on business focus on the aspects regarding negative aspects in the social sector. In this source, the author explains that information that is communicated by people through the social platforms is aimed at informing people about what value products that the organizations are offering can add to them. There is a major problem with this aspect. Many people do not trust the information they read in social media platforms, mostly because it can be posted by any person and no verification process helps people to determine whether the information posted is true or false. This aspect reduces the effectiveness of social networks platforms in communicating information regarding organizations. The other aspect associated with this issue is the problem of alteration of information. When an organization utilized platforms like Facebook to communicate critical and important information to its targeted customers, people alter that information to suit their interests and then distribute the altered piece of information. This aspect may tarnish the reputation of the organization or communicate the unintended piece of information by the organization, an aspect that is considered less beneficial to the organization. With this regard, therefore, it is significantly appropriate for organizations to establish their own private business social networks, which they have control over, and use them to communicate to people about their intentions and plans (Singh, Kaur, 2016). Conclusion In conclusion, social networks are of significant importance to many organizations and individuals who seek to communicate certain information to a group of people. The main advantage of these networks is that compared to the communication services that they offer and their effectiveness, they are of significant importance to people. Through them, information is easily communicated at a significantly low price to the individual or organization that is communicating that information. The information is then distributed to a large number of people within a very short period, an aspect that makes this method significantly beneficial for the purposes of establishing effectiveness. The other important aspect of consideration is the negative aspects that are associated with these networks regarding communication. The negative impacts are mainly based on the fact that a large number of people do not trust the information they obtain in platforms, and thus even the legit information is consi dered less effective, an aspect that reduces the trust that people have on the information they obtain from the platforms. Despite these aspects, however, the benefits that the networks have to organizations significantly surpass the negative aspects associated with them and thus they are essential to the success of business organizations. References Jurgelane, I. Grizane, T. (2017). Social Media Impact on Business Evaluation: Procedia Computer Science. Retrieved from Letitia, A. Veronica, R. Sofica, A. (2014). Innovative tools used by business networks and clusters in Communication: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Maamar, Z., Costantino, G, Petrocchi, M. Martinelli, F. (2015). Business Reputation of Social Networks of Web Services: International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing McDonald, J. (2017).Social media marketing workbook : how to use social media for business. San Jose, CA: JM Internet Group,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. Nicholls, S. (2011).Social media in business : succeeding in the new Internet revolution. London: Bookinars. Scarlat, C. Ioanid, A. (2016). Factors Influencing Social Networks Use for Business: Twitter and YouTube Analysis: Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management, Romania. Singh, S. Kaur, M. (2016). Analyzing negative ties in social networks: A survey. Egyptian Informatics Journal. Retrieved from
Monday, December 2, 2019
Stalin`s Rise Essays - Old Bolsheviks, Marxist Theorists
Stalin`s Rise Stalin's rise to power was a combination of his ability to manipulate situations and the failure of others to prevent him from taking power, especially Leon Trotsky. Trotsky did not take advantage of several opportunities which would have helped him to crush Stalin politically. When he failed to take advantage of these opportunities, Stalin maneuvered himself into a stronger position within the party by allying with Zinoviev and Kamenev. He manipulated them into crushing Trotsky, thus eliminating the strongest opponent in his path to power. Stalin deftly avoided potential political ruin when Lenin formulated his Testament in December 1922. Lenin's Testament described what he thought of the future of the Party and Party leaders, especially Trotsky and Stalin. Lenin warned of a potential split in which Stalin and Trotsky would be the chief factors. When describing Stalin, Lenin felt that he had concentrated "...unlimited authority... in his hands and whether he will always be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution." (Clark 472). The content of Lenin's Testament eventually became more detrimental to Trotsky than Stalin. Coupled with the Lenin incidentally undermining Trotsky, Stalin manipulated the content of the Testament to enhance his stature. By mentioning Stalin as one of the prominent members of the Party, Lenin raised Stalin's stature to that of Trotsky. The equivalent stature of Stalin and Trotsky made Trotsky seem to be less important in relation to Lenin and thus to the Party apparatus. Further damaging Trotsky, Lenin described him as possessing "...excessive self-confidence... and overly attracted by the purely administrative aspects of affairs..." (Clark 472) The latter characterization of Trotsky was one that Stalin employed against him throughout their struggle for power. Lenin then added a postscript to the Testament on January 4, 1923, characterizing Stalin as a poor choice for Secretary General by stating, "...Stalin is too rude and this defect... becomes intolerable in a Secretary General." (Clark 474). Lenin continued on to state that "...the comrades think about a way of removing Stalin from that post and appointing another man..." (Clark 474). Lenin felt that if the removal of Stalin was not acted upon, the conflict between Trotsky and Stalin would escalate, which would in turn endanger the party as a whole. Combined with the Testament, the Postscript could have served as a tool for Trotsky to obtain power, instead Stalin squashed it in the Central Committee. Another possible advantage left unused by Trotsky was Lenin's disagreement with Stalin on how to handle the Georgian Affair. During the war with Poland, the Soviet republic signed a treaty with the Menshevik government of Georgia, "...which solemnly undertook to respect Georgian independence." (Segal 240). Lenin wanted to maintain that Georgia remained a "...sovereign and independent unit which would have joined the Russian federative state." (Clark 477). As Commissar of Nationalities, Stalin ordered the suppression of the Menshevik party in Georgia. In order to achieve his goal, Stalin was preparing a constitution which was " be much more centralistic... and would curtail and abrogate the rights of the non-Russian nationalities..." Also in this new constitution, Stalin was going to change "...Soviet Federation of republics into the Soviet Union." (Pro 51) Through a series of notes, after the postscript, Lenin, with a guilty conscience, admitted that he had not sufficiently stopped the new oppression of the weak by the strong and viewed the centralistic nature of Stalin's scheme as being "borrowed from Tsardom and only just covered with a Soviet veneer..." (Pro 71). He proceeded to dictate notes on the Georgian Affair, which were scathing criticisms of Stalin's conduct. He described Stalin as a "truly Russian man, the Great Russian chauvinist, who is essentially... an oppressor..." (Pro 71). Lenin communicated to Trotsky that he desired him "...take upon yourself the defense of the Georgian affair at the Central Committee..." (Clark 479) and attached a copy of his notes on the subject. Warning Trotsky not to show weakness or uncertainty and not to accept any compromises that Stalin might offer. He stressed the need to avoid warning Stalin and his associates of the offensive. Stalin's antagonism towards Trotsky was apparent. He criticized Stalin's performance as Commissar of Rabkrin by stating that " was useless to look to Rabkrin for guidance if the need arises for any change of policy or for any serious reform in organization..." (Pro 47). Zinoviev, the most popular member of the Politbureau, acted as Lenin's "...loud and stormy mouthpiece... whos knowledge about the world was unrefined and unpolished... consequently... leaving him devoured by ambition to rise higher in the party..." (Pro 79). Kamenev, though less popular, was more
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Idioms About Units of Measure
Idioms About Units of Measure Idioms About Units of Measure Idioms About Units of Measure By Mark Nichol A number of idiomatic expressions refer (often hyperbolically, or with lighthearted exaggeration) to units of English measure to describe something figuratively or make an observation. This post lists and explains many such phrases. To be ââ¬Å"every inch a (something)â⬠or ââ¬Å"every inch the (something)â⬠is to so closely match a stereotypical look or embody a trait that the comparison holds thoroughly, figuratively, from beginning to end. ââ¬Å"Within an inch of (oneââ¬â¢s) lifeâ⬠means ââ¬Å"to an extreme degreeâ⬠; to beat someone to within an inch of that personââ¬â¢s life is to physically attack that person so severely that he or she is very close to (figuratively, an inch away from) death. To move by inches, or inch by inch, or to inch along (or inch oneââ¬â¢s way along) is to progress very slowly, in very short increments, whether literally or figuratively. (Other prepositions may, depending on the context, replace along.) ââ¬Å"Come within an inch ofâ⬠refers figuratively to very nearly accomplishing a goal or experiencing something. The phrase ââ¬Å"every inchâ⬠(sometimes ââ¬Å"every square inchâ⬠) hyperbolically refers to complete coverage, as in ââ¬Å"Every inch of the room was strewn with toys.â⬠To say ââ¬Å"Give (someone) an inch and (that person) will take a mileâ⬠is to express that someone given a modest concession will take advantage to extract more from the giver. ââ¬Å"Give an inch,â⬠on its own (or ââ¬Å"Budge an inchâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Move an inchâ⬠), is usually part of a statement alluding to someoneââ¬â¢s unwillingness to compromise, as in ââ¬Å"You never give an inch.â⬠To say that someone does not trust someone else an inch is to express an utter lack of faith in that person. Something that is inch-perfect is extremely accurate or well judged. Idioms that include the word foot almost invariably pertain to the anatomic feature rather than the unit of measurement, but to say that one would not touch a person or a thing with a ten-foot pole suggests in no uncertain terms that one does not want to be associated with that person or thing. The phrase ââ¬Å"all wool and a yard wideâ⬠alludes to the high quality of a person or an object, while to say that someone goes or went ââ¬Å"the whole nine yardsâ⬠expresses that the person is or was very thorough in accomplishing something. A country mile is a longer-than-expected distance, perhaps from the notion that traveling a mile in a rural area seems longer than passing over that distance in a more congested area. The expression ââ¬Å"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepâ⬠expresses that a formidable task is easily begun by focusing on a small initial effort. ââ¬Å"A mile a minuteâ⬠suggests doing something, such as talking, at extreme speed in a state of excitement. To say that someone can detect or observe something from a mile away hyperbolically suggests that the thing is easily noticed; however, to say that someone is miles away (or a million miles away) is to note that the person is preococcupied and not attending to a nearby activity, while to be miles from anywhere or nowhere is to literally be physically isolated. Saying that someone is a mile off or missed by a mile means that the person is mistaken or wrong to a great degree; the latter can also literally refer to someone missing a target by far or being very inaccurate in aim. ââ¬Å"A miss is as good as a mileâ⬠means that a small failure is as just as significant as a large one. To be miles apart from agreement suggests that the parties are very much opposed. The phrase ââ¬Å"by a mileâ⬠refers hyperbolically to accomplishing or failing to accomplish something by a significant amount. ââ¬Å"For milesâ⬠(and ââ¬Å"for miles and milesâ⬠), however, neutrally refers to at least several miles in such statements as ââ¬Å"The property extends for miles in each direction.â⬠To go the extra mile is to make greater effort than is required, while something that stands out or sticks out a mile is extremely obvious. ââ¬Å"More bounce for the ounceâ⬠is slang referring to getting more value for oneââ¬â¢s money with one product or investment than another. ââ¬Å"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureâ⬠means that a minimal amount of forethought has the same value as a significant expenditure of effort to resolve an issue that developed because of lack of foresight. Other comparisons are made between commonsense and theory and between discretion and wit (in the latter case, encouraging people to withhold clever comments that may embarrass another person). To pack or pile on the pounds is to quickly gain weight. The phrase ââ¬Å"pound for poundâ⬠means ââ¬Å"considering the weight involved.â⬠(In combat sports such as boxing, participants who compete in different weight classes are sometimes ranked in skills according to various criteria; this type of ranking is called ââ¬Å"pound for pound.â⬠) ââ¬Å"Pound of flesh,â⬠from Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play The Merchant of Venice, alludes to an unreasonable debt, based on the character Shylockââ¬â¢s insistence on receiving a pound of flesh that a borrower agreed, with overconfidence, to surrender as collateral. The phrase ââ¬Å"800-pound gorillaâ⬠refers metaphorically to an entity so powerful that it can ignore limitations others are bound to. (It alludes to the riddle ââ¬Å"Where does an 800-pound gorilla sit?â⬠the answer to which is ââ¬Å"Wherever it wants.) The phrase ââ¬Å"come down on (one) like a ton of bricksâ⬠figuratively expresses that punishment will be or has been dealt out severely, as if the person being punished was or will be buried beneath a crushing weight. When someone refers to ââ¬Å"tons ofâ⬠something, he or she is hyperbolically expressing abundance. To say that something ââ¬Å"weighs a tonâ⬠is to exaggerate the weight of an object that must be carried or lifted that is unexpectedly or excessively heavy. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterAbstract Nouns from Adjectives5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Major and Minor Characters in Literature
Major and Minor Characters in Literature Free Online Research Papers A lock cannot be unlocked without a key that fits into hole. Many literatures form the lock-and-key relationship through their major and minor characters. While major characters lead the story, minor characters add the key elements of the story that would make the story to have meaningful moments. Major characters are locks that cannot be unlocked and see what is really locked in. However, the minor characters play the role of key that can unlock what is locked within and reveal the hidden excitements to the readers. The writers are unable to dispense those minor characters because they are driving force of the major characters and have important role in the play, for example, Tiresias from the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Also, they are indispensable because of their capability to add intensity to the story and ability to carry moral lessons to the readers, exemplified by Lady Macbeth from the play Macbeth by Shakespeare. First, minor characters are indispensable because they can be the driving force of the major characters throughout the story. Tiresias, the blind messenger, in the play, Oedipus Rex, gives an important message about the fate of Oedipus the king. Surprised by what is predicted by the fortune teller, Oedipus shows a very upset reaction. Oedipus blames and mocks Tiresias for foretelling such prediction about Oedipusââ¬â¢s fate. In this scene, the reader can clearly see the state of emotion of Oedipus and how his emotions change after he hears the prediction. Also, one can find that the prediction drives Oedipus to avoid the events that would occur according to the prediction, but he fails to change his fate. Many tragic events occur in the process of Oedipus trying to reject his fate. Because of Tiresias and his prediction, the play is allowed to have interesting and tragic moments. Tiresias is the driving force of Oedipus and his actions and gives intense moments throughout the play . Tiresias also cannot be left out because of his role in the play. The role of fortune teller is very important in the play, Oedipus Rex, not only because he gives the message to Oedipus but also because he gives the assurance of dramatic irony to the readers and tragedy to the characters in the play. Oedipus leaves Corinth after hearing the prediction made by the Oracle at Delphi, believing that he can change his fate and outsmart the gods. However, as he arrives to Thebes and takes the throne at Thebes, the prediction comes true. Then Tiresias visits Oedipus to tell him about his cursed fate and assures the readers about the dramatic irony. Because of this role of Tiresias, he cannot be dispensed from the play. The writer displays his literature strategy, the dramatic irony, by using Tiresias as the carrier of the element. The dramatic irony used in the play makes the story line much more intense and grabs the attention of the readers. Therefore, Tiresias is indispensable because of his role in the play of delivering the dramatic irony. Minor characters become indispensable when they are the intense-situation makers. Lady Macbeth creates an intense situation from the play, Macbeth by Shakespeare. Macbeth informs his wife, Lady Macbeth, of his destiny that he heard from the witches. When Macbeth arrives to his castle at Inverness, he says that he will murder King Duncan that night. However, Macbeth becomes unconscious and hesitant. He becomes unsure if he should commit the murder and take the throne of Scotland in an inappropriate way. In this scene, Lady Macbeth adds the intensity to the story. She removes Macbethââ¬â¢s hesitation and convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan and take the throne. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth about the glory and power he will have till his death. Macbeth is convinced and determined to kill Duncan while Duncan is asleep. Lady Macbeth also becomes the hostess of the party before the night of murder, putting everyone in pleasant condition, and puts guards of the king drunk so Macbeth can murder the king. Lady Macbeth plays the key role in murdering King Duncan because she prepares everything for Macbeth. She plays the role of demon in the play because she puts temptation on Macbeth and does all of the evil works for Macbeth. Her evil works are able to add intensity to the play and prepares the tragedy that will happen to Macbeth in the future. This is why Shakespeare cannot leave Lady Macbeth, a minor character, out because she creates intensity and tragedy, which represents Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays. Lady Macbeth is indispensable because she is a minor character that carries moral of the play. She prepares the evil works for Macbeth but commits suicide after finding out that reinforcements arrived with Malcolm, the son of King Duncan to take over Scotland. Her actions and death displays human corruption very well. She was blinded by the power, wealth, glory, and honor that are achievable after killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth shows how evil can never prevail. Shakespeare displays one of the morals from the play through his minor character, Lady Macbeth. Shakespeare shows the human corruption caused by power and how the forces evil can never overcome those of good and is destined to fail by depicting the failure, Lady Macbeth, and this makes Lady Macbeth indispensable from the play, Macbeth. Many of the minor characters in the literatures and plays have important roles for the existence. The writers put the minor characters because they are the elements that will make their works more valuable. The minor characters can be the ultimate driving force of the stories, and add intensity to the stories, which attracts the readers. Many people may think the major characters are the ones that give the morals of the works but writers also use the minor characters to give the messages that they could not express through the major characters to the readers. As a reader finds the role of the minor character in a literature work, one may find that the character is the key that fits into the lock and is indispensable. Research Papers on Major and Minor Characters in LiteratureHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayMind TravelThe Fifth HorsemanAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Paraphrasing of Discussion and Analysis of Dell Strategy Essay
Paraphrasing of Discussion and Analysis of Dell Strategy - Essay Example However, recent times have seen the increase in competition against Dell and its winning strategies. As such, Dell seeks new strategies so as to gain and maintain competitive advantage. One such strategy Dell zeroed in on is ââ¬Å"dynamic capabilitiesâ⬠(Magretta 1998, p.4). The trick is to go beyond utilizing resources in an ordinary way. Instead, the company employs strategies that configure and thereby create competitive advantage of these resources. ââ¬Å"Dynamicâ⬠, on the other hand, stands for the ability to transform these resources with ease in light of the flux environment within which Dell competes. The ability to adapt to external and internal change is also a significant way of maintaining competitive advantage. In light of this analysis, Michael Dell states that: ââ¬Å"The goal is to stay a few steps ahead of change. That means the company can create and even shape change to some extent. The best way to beat change is to spend adequate time with the customer s (Magretta 1998, p.83)â⬠. This approach reflects not only on the nature of the strategies Dell upholds but also on the nature of their operating models. That is, adjusting and improving the models capabilities over time in light of changing market needs. Critical Overview: Focusing on Relationships within a Supply Chain. Dell attributes its key successes on a unique value chain. This chain owes its uniqueness to the nature of relationships of the various stakeholders within the supply chain. These relationships create leverage for the company in view of its customersââ¬â¢ appreciation. Secondly, Dell is one of the companyââ¬â¢s that heavily relies on web technology to differentiating itself from other players in the market. One advantage of utilising web technology is the ability to select direct market routes, as opposed to other companies. Direct market routes are cost efficient as they facilitate quick delivery of goods and services. Also, the company can adapt and re spond to the market environment needs with flexibility. Source: Magretta, 1998. In regard to the stakeholders in the supply chain, Dell focuses on the customerââ¬â¢s interests more than any other stakeholder. Granted, distributors and retailers contribute significantly to the value chain. However, in maintaining the differentiation strategy Dell prefers to target the customer directly. This approach provides convenience for the customer through superior customer service and the company by building a customer oriented brand name. Secondly, a direct approach to customersââ¬â¢ business model vouchsafes lower operating costs. This enables customers to enjoy Dell products at relatively affordable prices. Lower operating costs are an advantage for the company as they can invest other capital to improve the value of their products through research and development and also, enables them to invest in other ventures. The ever changing external factors over the years have led to the need to expand some previous strategies. Therefore, Dell outsources some logistic and distribution elements of its strategy. While exploiting the internet to create effective distribution channels, Dell does not ignore traditional channels such as direct mail. Through outsourcing primary activities, Dell creates a virtual value chain because suppliers and distributers alike qualify to be partners hence ââ¬Å"integrated in their value adding activitiesâ⬠(Magretta 1998, p.7). This strategy further differentiates Dell from competitors offering the same services. The partnerships created also allow for competitive advantage for Dell. These partnerships facilitate innovation through injection of ââ¬Å"
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
History paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
History paper - Essay Example Looking at the speech ââ¬Å"The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro,â⬠he gave on July 5, 1852, one gets a sense that he is very unhappy with the prevailing situations and the apparent lack of progress in the fight against slavery. He poignantly enumerates the ills the slaves are suffering at the hands of their masters in a way that echoes someone who has witnessed and endured such ills. He says ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ to rob them of their liberty, to work them without wages â⬠¦ to flay their flesh with the lash â⬠¦ to sell them at auctionâ⬠¦ to sunder their familiesâ⬠¦ to burn their flesh.ââ¬â¢1 This clear enumeration of the ills shows clearly that he understood what was going on, having witnessed firsthand some of this ills. To him, the aspirations of the American as espoused by the American Farmer2 that the American has moved from servile labour and useless toil to prosperity rings hollow for this group of Americans. The writing of Douglas, especially assertion that divinity and brutality cannot go hand in hand, and that one is either on one hand or the other must have been aimed at the radical abolitionists so well covered by Harris3. This abolitionist were mainly whites who had joined the blacks to bring an end to the slavery. The campaign was later to be taken up by religious revivalism with dominant figures being Arthur and Lewis Tappan4 who wanted to bring the religious approach to abolishing slavery through presenting the preaching of the bible that hold that all men are equal. The speech is inherently against the use of religious basis to perpetuate slavery through argument such as it is God ordained. But above all, he is very much against the fact that religious leaders, who ought to have known better, attended a ceremony to celebrate 4th of July knowing very well that there is nothing to celebrate in the country. The intended audience for this speech was mainly the blacks. He wanted them to know that things are getting out of hand and may not change
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Based System for Sales, Marketing and Customer Information Essay Example for Free
Based System for Sales, Marketing and Customer Information Essay We propose a new cloud based system that will compile all of the past sales and marketing information and current customer contacts and needs. This system will allow employees from all areas and locations access to marketing tools and sales data. The components needed to use the new cloud system are Clients which is computer hardware and software that relies on the cloud for application and other Cloud services. The other services could not run without the help of Cloud computing. The second is Services; this is a software system that is designed to support machine-to-machine communication through a network. Next is Application; this helps the Cloud in the software architecture, this often eliminates the need to install and run the application on the costumers own computer. Platform facilitates deployment of applications without the cost of complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers. Storage is the delivery of data storage as a service. Then there is infrastructure; this is the delivery of computer infrastructure as a service. All of these components are very important to the new system of cloud we are creating to better Riordan. The data requirements can be simply updated with a downloadable software update that will come with the program to make it simpler to install. The only things that will be needed while using this software are access to the internet and an external hard drive. The hard drive will ensure that it will not take up too much memory from the internal hard drive as it has a large amount of memory. Using the software is simple and easy to learn. It can be a little hard if one does not have proper knowledge of the internet. In order to be able to download this program the proper way without any add-ons of viruses, one would have to have the knowledge of the internet and to be able to download programs. The last thing that will help when using out software, is knowing how to use an external hard drive and how to hook it into the computer. The new cloud system uses more memory then our last version making an external hard drive a little more needed. These requirements will make using the software as simple and will help any company track sales and other financial information. Riordan would be able to manage data, text, and document management as a communication simplicity tool. As in any company, data is an informational asset that brings in earnings, investing in data management. Simply spoken, it helps to raise customer relationship management (CRM), while cutting expenses. This type of database will enable increased speeds for locating the products the customers want. It will reduce, considerably, the unauthorized purchases, and improve the efficiency in the operation, helping to also reduce errors in customer purchases. Part of the restructuring, would involve a need for Riordan implement consolidating software applications for all of the branches. The security of this software and concerns are the same as any software. As long as the company sticks to the policy there should not be any problems. We have made sure that this program is safe and secure. The data will be protected as long as the computers and users are safe with Virus protectors that are installed. So far we have not seen any flaws within the program as long as it is used properly. Any ethical concerns should be addressed to our company so we can make sure they are fixed and made sure that the data is safe and secure. This system can be used with mobile devices such as smart phones and any smart tablet. We have made this possible to help companies who travel a lot and cannot always be around a computer. We added this in to help make tracking a simpler step for all companies who use our system. Because the system as a whole carries far too much data for smart phones and tablets, we have created an app that can be downloaded with a smaller call for storage. This will help to not take up too much storage on smaller devices.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Accounting :: essays research papers
Preface Financial statements are prepared and presented for external users by many enterprises around the world. Although such financial statements may appear similar from country to country, there are differences which have probably been caused by a variety of social, economic and legal circumstances and by different countries having in mind the needs of different users of financial statements when setting national requirements. These different circumstances have led to the use of a variety of definitions of the elements of financial statements; that is, for example, assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. They have also resulted in the use of different criteria for the recognition of items in the financial statements and in a preference for different bases of measurement. The scope of the financial statements and the disclosures made in them have also been affected. The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) is committed to narrowing these differences by seeking to harmonise regulations, accounting standards and procedures relating to the preparation and presentation of financial statements. It believes that further harmonisation can best be pursued by focusing on financial statements that are prepared for the purpose of providing information that is useful in making economic decisions. The Board of IASC believes that financial statements prepared for this purpose meet the common needs of most users. This is because nearly all users are making economic decisions, for example, to: (a) decide when to buy, hold or sell an equity investment; (b) assess the stewardship or accountability of management; (c) assess the ability of the enterprise to pay and provide other benefits to its employees; (d) assess the security for amounts lent to the enterprise; (e) determine taxation policies; (f) determine distributable profits and dividends; (g) prepare and use national income statistics; or (h) regulate the activities of enterprises. The Board recognises, however, that governments, in particular, may specify different or additional requirements for their own purposes. These requirements should not, however, affect financial statements published for the benefit of other users unless they also meet the needs of those other users. Financial statements are most commonly prepared in accordance with an accounting model based on recoverable historical cost and the nominal financial capital maintenance concept. Other models and concepts may be more appropriate in order to meet the objective of providing information that is useful for making economic decisions although there is presently no consensus for change. This Framework has been developed so that it is applicable to a range of accounting models and concepts of capital and capital maintenance.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How well does BA protect its employees? Essay
Employees from BAââ¬â¢s prospective are an investment and for BA to get a return on this investment they have to protect it. In this section I am going to evaluate how well BA protects its employees I will use evidence from BA sources to back up each of my points. How does BA protect its employees? Bas takes the safety of its employees very well I know this because in the BA report they say ââ¬Å"The safety and security of our customers and employees in the air and on the ground is a paramount to British Airways and at the heart of our business.â⬠This statement suggests that the safety of BAââ¬â¢s customers is the most important part of their business. it also says that the protection of customers and employees is what the business runs around. BA protects its employees in a number of different ways, for example if an employee is working in an office in front of a computer BA will then make sure that the employee gets regular brakes so that the employees eyes do not get damaged too badly. This is one way that BA protects its employees. BA also protects its employees by reducing the risk of them injuring themselves. They do this by putting up hazard signs that show the employees to be careful. An example of this is wet floor signs these signs show employees that the floor is wet and slippery which instructs them to be more careful. Another way that BA protects its employees is by introducing stress management policies. This is because stress is a major factor that may affect an employeeââ¬â¢s health. BA has tried to reduce the amount of stress within the business by introducing a ââ¬Å"stress management policyâ⬠. Examples of the policies that BA uses to reduce stress is management training, employee involvement programmes etcâ⬠¦ It is one of BAââ¬â¢s top priorities to protect their employees if they donââ¬â¢t then this will mean that the employees will start to get de-motivated and not come to work this will therefore create a decrease in the production of work from the employees as they will not be in most of the times. BA protects its employees very well this can be seen in the graph below which shows the amount of days taken off by employees. In this graph you can see that BA has got quite a low amount of people taking days off related to illnesses at work. This therefore shows us that the employees are happy working at BA. BA also says: ââ¬Å"We have a target of reducing the number of days taken of due to work related injuries by 30 % by 2010â⬠The statement above suggests that BA are working on reducing the amount of work related injuries this shows us that BA are very concerned about the safety of their employees. BA spends 120million pounds on the security of their employees this shows us that they are very concerned about the safety of their employees. We can see that this is paying off as less people are taking days off this is shown in the graph above. The table above shows that BA has reduced the amount of injuries within the business therefore showing that BAââ¬â¢s 120 million pounds security investment has been put to good use. It also shows that BA wants to keep on decreasing the amount of injuries that have happened to employees. In the table above you can also see that the working dayââ¬â¢s lost per 100,000 people is 4300 days this is a very low amount therefore showing that BA has protected there employees very well as they are coming into work very regularly. An example of a BA employee getting injured is when a cabin crew employee fell from the doorway of a 737 plane. The employee suffered 3 fractured vertebrae. When BA heard of this they then acted on it and tried to reduce the chances of this occurring again. The table above shows that the amount of injuries to employees inside BA has been reducing constantly for the last three years, but there is stillroom for improvement in the serious injury section where the results show it has risen by an extraordinary amount. How do the trade unions implement national and local working conditions? The trade unions within BA have a very big influence on the decisions made by BA, if BA make a decision that the trade unions do not like then they will cause a strike to occur and give BA a bad reputation. An example of where this occurred was the strike that occurred at Gate Gourmet this was because the trade unions felt that the working conditions where too bad. When this strike occurred it meant that BA had to cancel flights this meant a loss in profit and bad publicity, which caused a downfall for the business. BA would not want to get into situations like this. The trade unions can implement the working conditions by arranging strikes like this. These strikes cause the business to think about keeping the working conditions up and to think about the employees before they take any actions. The trade unions do not have to strike to implement anything, this is because the trade unions can negotiate with the managers of the department and discuss what the working conditions are like. by doing this the trade unions can work with the business to get better working conditions for the employees, this way the managers and the employees are happy without resolving to conflict. Overall the trade unions are a big factor that influences the decisions that the business makes. The main way that they implement the working conditions is by working with the business to tell them the conditions that they want. They may also complain if the conditions that are promised by BA are not met.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hardyââ¬â¢s use of symbolism and characters in Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles Essay
The roles of rustic characters in Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles are used in many concepts to express Tessââ¬â¢ superiority in the book. Throughout the novel Hardy emphasis his love of the character Tess, he has always made Tess stand out, for example in the opening when we first meet Tess she is described as the most beautiful dancer their but he has also added the red ribbon so she stands out in the crowd of white dresses. Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles, like the other major works by Thomas Hardy, anticipates the twentieth century in regard to the nature and treatment of its subject matter. Tess is the twelfth novel published by Hardy. He began the novel in 1889 it was rejected by several other periodicals from July to December 1891. It was finally published in December 1891. The novel questions societies sexual mores by compassionately portraying a heroine who is seduced by the son of her employer and who thus is not considered pure and chaste women by the rest of the society. Upon its publication, Tess encountered brutally hostile reviews; although it is now considered a major work of fiction, the poor reception of Tess and Jude the Obscure precipitated Thomas Hardyââ¬â¢s transition from writing fiction to poetry. Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles deals with several significant contemporary subjects for Hardy, including struggles of religious belief that occurred during Hardyââ¬â¢s lifetime Hardy was largely influenced by the Oxford movement a spiritual movement involving extremely devout thinking and actions. Hardyââ¬â¢s family members were primarily orthodox Christians and hardy himself considered entering the clergy, as did many of his relatives. Yet hardy eventually abandoned his devout faith in god based on the scientific advances of his contemporises, including most prominently Darwinââ¬â¢s on the origin of species. Hardyââ¬â¢s own religious experiences can thus be seen in the character of Angel Clare, who resists the conservative religious experiences beliefs of his parents to take a more religious and secular view of philosophy. The novel also reflects Hardyââ¬â¢s preoccupation with social class that continues through his novels. Hardy had connections in both the working class and the upper class, but felt that he belonged to neither. This is reflected in the pessimism contained in Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles toward the chances for Tess to ascend in society and Angelââ¬â¢s precarious position as neither a member of the upper class nor a working person equivalent to his fellow milkers at Talbothays. Again, like Angel Clare, Thomas Hardy Found himself torn between different social spheres with which he could not fully align himself. Tess of the Dââ¬â¢urbervilles reflects that divide. It was the stories he heard from his mother and grandmother he used in his story about secret baptisms, he witnessed a hanging of a woman who killed her husband for being unfaithful. Hardy was well of but still joined in, in all the country activities, he uses events from his background e.g. the wild country dancing; where he often played his violin he uses this in describing the dancing in Chaseborough. His affinity with nature and the rural environment is used very often in the novel because of his love of the countryside and his home life being around nature and animals he grew to love it and describes it with such emotional attachment when he talks about the season, which he has combined with symbolism. Hardy disliked anything new, and continued telling use this throughout the book since the beginning when Tess goes to Alecââ¬â¢s house he describes it as a ââ¬Ëcrimson brick lodgeââ¬â¢ hardy always uses symbolism to represent things red (crimson) is a sign of danger and warning. And also mentioned ââ¬Ëeverything looked like new money-like the last coin issued from the mint. He doesnââ¬â¢t like anything new and states from the beginning that he doesnââ¬â¢t like the idea of Tess going to Alec at his house. Hardy describes the countryside and the season as a sign of symbolism like spring is a happy and cheerful season when good things happen and then when its cold, bad and misfortune takes place. He describes the old and traditional ways of Marlett with joy and happiness, he like the club walking because he describes the evening and the spring. He dislike the combine harvester by the industrial revolution because it destroys the nature and life; he writes that the animals ââ¬Ëhuddled together, friends and foes, till the last few yards of upright whet fell also under the teeth of the veering reaper and they where everyone put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesterââ¬â¢ he describes the whole thing in a negative attitude he calls the threshing machine at Flintomb Ash a ââ¬Ë red tyrantââ¬â¢. Hardy in some cases does make rustic characters friendly, sympathetic and kind e.g. whilst harvesting when the children brought Tess her baby they respected her and were sympathetic towards her. Also when her father made a fool of himself at the beginning they donââ¬â¢t laugh or sneer but understand their difficulties. When Tess returns to Trantridge her friends help cheer her up, also when Izzy tells Angel that Tess loves him more than anyone else. He makes them hard working to show they are better than urban dwellers like at the harvest field and farms. The brothers of Angel are not the rustic characters that hardy made the village people but more of upper class well of children who fell to higher than the rest of the village folk to talk part in dancing in public because they feel it is wrong and are afraid that someone may see them and know who they are. The family of Tess are almost the same, they donââ¬â¢t care about anybody but themselves and all they want after finding out that they are from a rich family is to have the money and well fair that will come from it. They donââ¬â¢t care for what they do to Tess to make her do what they want, and the children are only passengers on the shiftless house of the Durbeyfield going nowhere with no future. There are many other roles to the rustic characters the good and bad one the one who are kind, the ones who are jealous and hateful, some that have humour and make you laugh like the treacle and Car. The rustic characters are used to make Tess stand out more like the milk maids all like Angel but they say that Tess is pretty and that Angel likes her but they are not jealous, they accept her and are still her friend. When Car has treacle on her back she doesnââ¬â¢t like the fact that Tess is laughing at her because she is the favourite of Alec, also they say ââ¬Ë very well, miss Independenceââ¬â¢ meaning that she is strong and wonââ¬â¢t let others do the work for her and not many where like her. This does change the way we look at Tess she is made most superior than the others, made to stand out against all odds. The seasons changing symbolise the future events and the mood of the character. Like the faint luminous fog on page 86 just before the rape, this symbolises danger is up ahead and the fog is blinding Tess from the truth, and whatââ¬â¢s about to happen. In the novel it stops her from seeing where they are going, so inevitably Alec uses this to his advantage to seduce her without realising. On page 3 it is spring everything is happy cheerful and people are safe and happy nothing can go wrong in May. Page 131 it is spring, which was the happiest time in Tessââ¬â¢ life so, it predicts that it is a new start it predicts a happy future for her. Page 90 when she is about to be rapped it writes that the chase was wrapped in thick darkness now she is totally blinded from all that is about to come, and all that is going to change her life. Tess is very careful in the things she does; the atmosphere around her reflects how she feels, and also the seasons. The dead leaves that she was lying on while she slept before the rape. This tells use that no matter what she doesnââ¬â¢t feel safe she likes the country life with the simple everyday living. She doesnââ¬â¢t trust the world beyond Trantridge, we see this in the way she feels living Trantridge for the first time. The colours are used to warn use of the future and certain characters. Darkness is used in the triangular tent door Alec comes out of darkness, which shows that his intensions are dark and evil. For example ââ¬Ëdarkness and silence ruled everywhere aroundââ¬â¢ when they where in the woods before the rape. Blue narcotic haze, it almost blinded her from what heââ¬â¢s thinking of almost drugging her unconscious of her present situation. Red is a sign of danger warns readers that something is going to happen. White is the sign of purity and fairness. The first time she leaves with Alec he writes ââ¬Ëbehind the green valley of her birth, before, a grey country of which she knew nothingââ¬â¢. Describes the journey to his home green-past, grey-future, green is what is good and full of life, safe. Grey is when she leaves her green happy life in to a grey bleak one. Red is the sign of danger and a warning. It is used throughout this book it starts with her wearing a red ribbon I believe this represents the fact that she is pretty and pure but the future ahead is full of struggle and danger. Hardy mentions that Alec has red smooth lips this states seduction. The crimson brick lodge-red, new, Hardy doesnââ¬â¢t like new non-country things at Alecââ¬â¢s house. Strawberries- red and always a symbol of seduction, so his intensions of giving her these are clear at his house the first time thy meet. The blood red ray- it means because she is blinded by the smoke she is blurred from the figure who is a dangerous person in her life while she eats. Overall Hardy has used rustic characters in many ways, to emphasis the fact that Tess is his favourite, to make her more superior then the that fact that she was educated till the 6th grade, which is something not many people where. The characters are also there for comfort and humour. Hardy uses symbolism to show danger, predict the future and show passing of seasons and show intensions of characters. In the book he also uses extended metaphors one example is the shiftless house of the Durbeyfields, this extended metaphor of the shiftless house talks about the childrenââ¬â¢s life in the house which has no destination how they have no choice or future entirely dependent on the choices of the two adults for there pleasure, their necessities, their health, even their existence. The image that is given is of a unstable complicated family with parents and the only choice the children have is to follow nothing else they can do except help when they get older, its no future for them in the ââ¬Ëshiftless house of the Durbeyfieldsââ¬â¢. The extended metaphor when she is getting raped it talks about atmosphere, what sheââ¬â¢s lost and then finds reason why it was done to her. It talks about no one looking out for her where was god. Where was the providence in her faith? Tess is his favourite character without a doubt he presents her in a light which finds her very favourable to him. Tess can be classed as a tragedy in the Shakespearean scene because basic flaws e.g. pride, guilt, stubbornness and excessive loyalty.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Essay about IT240 Week 2 Checkpoint
Essay about IT240 Week 2 Checkpoint Essay about IT240 Week 2 Checkpoint Term Definition Physical layer Encompasses details such as electrical and mechanical connections to the network, transmission of binary data as changing voltage levels on wires or similar concepts on other connectors and data raters. Data link layer The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layer (2) that is responsible for data transfer across a single physical connection (or series of bridged connections, between two Network entities). The data link layer detects and may correct errors in the physical layer. Network layer The OSI layer that is responsible for routing, switching, and subnetwork access across the entire OSI environment. Transport layer Layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model, which establishes and dissolves connections between hosts and makes sure transmitted data has been received. An example protocol for the transport layer is TCP. Session layer Layer 5 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model, which handles logical connections between hosts; creates, maintains, and terminates a session; and handles security. It is a composite of the data flow control layer and transmission control layer. Presentation layer Layer 6 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model, which defines file and file access formats, performs file compression, establishes a common syntax between hosts, and converts data so incompatible systems can communicate with each other. Application layer Layer 7 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model, which defines standards for interaction at the user or application program level; for example, formatting electronic mail messages, reading and writing files, and file transfer. It is the highest layer of the protocol stack. Encoding Conversion of data into digital form; for example, converting an analog sound signal into digital data for storing on a CD. Half-duplex A communications channel which transmits data in either direction, but only one direction at a time. Full duplex A communications channel which transmits data in both directions at once. Bandwidth The amount of data that can be sent through a network connection. This is typically expressed in terms of the network speed, such as 1 Mbps (megabit-per-second). A greater bandwidth indicates the ability to transmit a greater amount of data over a given period of time. Point-to-point topology The simplest topology with a permanent link between two endpoints. Switched point-to-point topology are the basic model of conventional telephony. The value of a permanent point-to-point network is unimpeded communications between the two endpoints. Deencapsulation Refers to sending data where the data is augmented with successive layers of control information before transmission across a network. The reverse of data encapsulation is decapsulation, which refers to the successive layers of data being removed (essentially unwrapped) at the receiving end of a network. MAC Sublayer Medium Access Control sublayer. The lower sublayer of the data link layer, which uses the network's physical layer to provide services to the logical link control (LLC). The functions of the MAC sublayer vary according to the topology of the network. LLC Collision If two computers accidentally transmit at the same time and their messages collide, they wait and send again at different times. Access Method A software routine that is part of the operating system or network control program which performs the storing/retrieving or transmitting/receiving of data. It is also
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Word Choice Each vs. Every - Writing Tips with Proofed
Word Choice Each vs. Every - Writing Tips with Proofed Word Choice: Each vs. Every ââ¬Å"Eachâ⬠and ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠are both determiners. They also both refer to something as singular. They are even interchangeable in some cases! As such, itââ¬â¢s not surprising that people mix them up sometimes. However, these terms also have slightly different uses, so you need to be careful to avoid errors. Each vs. Every (Groups of Three or More Things) Both of these terms can be used to refer to a group of people or things. For example: We were told to read each book on the list. We were told to read every book on the list. In this case, both sentences imply reading all of the books on the list. The only difference is that ââ¬Å"eachâ⬠makes us think of reading the books one by one, while ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠makes us think of them collectively. But this only works when the group comprises three or more things. And the difference between these terms becomes obvious if we apply them to a group of two things. Each vs. Every (Two Things) If you are referring to two people or things, the word you will need is ââ¬Å"eachâ⬠: He had an apple in each hand. âÅ"â He had an apple in every hand. âÅ"â" The first sentence here implies that someone is holding two apples. The second sentence, by comparison, suggests that weââ¬â¢re dealing with some kind of many-handed octopus man. Or possibly a Hindu deity. Every vs. All Since it is used for larger groups, ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠is like the word ââ¬Å"allâ⬠in that both terms refer to a group of three or more things collectively. However, ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠is only ever used with singular countable nouns, while ââ¬Å"allâ⬠is used with plural nouns or uncountable nouns: Every alpaca deserves a hug. All alpacas deserve a hug. If we compare the sentences above, we can see the differences: ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠is used with a singular noun and a singular verb; ââ¬Å"allâ⬠is used with a plural noun and plural verb. So while thinking of ââ¬Å"everyâ⬠as a synonym for ââ¬Å"allâ⬠can be helpful, you still need to combine it with singular terms. Hug me! Each and Every? Finally, a quick note on the phrase ââ¬Å"each and every.â⬠Some people combine these terms as a form of emphasis when referring to larger groups. This is fine, but it is technically a redundant expression. You should not therefore use ââ¬Å"each and everyâ⬠in formal writing (e.g., a college paper).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Six Steps Involved in Conducting a Job Analysis of a Nursing Position Assignment
Six Steps Involved in Conducting a Job Analysis of a Nursing Position - Assignment Example Further, the job analysis process helps in the determination of what a given job entails including the location, title, summary, working conditions, equipment, possible hazards and the material that the potential or existing employees will require to undertake the jobà (Dessler, 2008). The first step in the job analysis process is to collect information concerning the job. Several methods can be used the collection of data about a given job. These methods include seeking the input of subject matter experts, reviewing classification standards and position descriptions, and going through occupational studies. Others include interviewing employees doing the job, letting employees fill questionnaires and observation. Nurses in emergency rooms specialize in the provision of critical medical care, as well as, specialized forms of treatments to patients who are severely ill or injured. They are involved in the provision of treatments to patients who suffer from life-threatening conditions. Of all the responsibilities emergency room nurses are involved in, undertaking the blood work is the most critical. This is because patients who visit this area lose blood at a high rate due to the kind of circumstances that they face before coming to the hospital. Further, the cleaning of lacerations is required, as well as, rapid assessment of patients. To begin with, emergency room nurses ought to be fast and efficient in their duties. This duty needs individuals that can work in blood-filled areas comfortably. Further, nurses in emergency rooms need to have been adequately trained with good academic abilities. Nurses need to be adequately trained so that they can have the relevant skills to clean up lacerations. This procedure requires near perfection, and this can be provided through adequate training. Further, nurses ought to have personalities that will allow them to work in areas with horrific sites. This personality is important because severely ill or injured individuals visit emergency rooms. Speedy, but efficient individuals are also required in the emergency rooms because of the pressure of the job.à Ã
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Challenges, Obstacles and Barriers to Start-ups amongst the Young Essay
The Challenges, Obstacles and Barriers to Start-ups amongst the Young Entrepreneurs in the 21st Century Enterprise - Essay Example However, the gap between the young and old entrepreneurs differs greatly not only in terms of their real-life experiences when it comes to managing a business but also in having a better chance of getting bank loans for their start-up capital (Muffatto and Giacon, 2012, p. 685). In most cases, the process of identifying and learning more about the challenges, obstacles and barriers that can impede the potential of young entrepreneurs in starting-up a business can be considered as the first step towards narrowing the gap between the old and young entrepreneurs. Therefore, by learning more about the weaknesses of the young entrepreneurs, the UK government together with the community members and the local universities can play a significant role in empowering the young entrepreneurs through self- awareness (Lorrain and Laferte, 2006). The young entrepreneurs are enterprising people below the age of 35 (Kelley, Singer and Herrington, 2011; Lorrain and Laferte, 2006). According to Blundel and Lockett (2011, p. 5), entrepreneurs are ââ¬Å"those person who seek to generate value through the creation or expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new prodcts, processes, or marketsâ⬠. On the other hand, social enterprises are ââ¬Å"organizations seeking business solutions to social problemsâ⬠(Thompson & Doherty, 2006). ... The young entrepreneurs are enterprising people below the age of 35 (Kelley, Singer and Herrington, 2011; Lorrain and Laferte, 2006). According to Blundel and Lockett (2011, p. 5), entrepreneurs are ââ¬Å"those person who seek to generate value through the creation or expansion of economic activity, by identifying and exploiting new prodcts, processes, or marketsâ⬠. On the other hand, social enterprises are ââ¬Å"organizations seeking business solutions to social problemsâ⬠(Thompson & Doherty, 2006). As part of identifying and examining the challenges, obstacles and barriers that most of the young entrepreneurs in the 21st century enterprise are experiencing when starting-up a business, this study will purposely examine the situation of the young entrepreneurs in a public, private, and not-for-profit organization. In support of the main discussion, examples will be considered in determining how the young entrepreneurs can overcome these obstacles. Challenges, Obstacles a nd Barriers of the 21st Century Enterprise that are Affecting the Young Entrepreneurs A lot of past and current literature tackles the issue with regards to the challenges, obstacles and barriers that can hinder young entrepreneurs from setting up their own business. Based on the research study that was conducted by Lorrain and Raymond (1991), ââ¬Å"one of the major problems encountered by the young entrepreneur is the lack of credibility given by the business and government representatives, on account of their young ageâ⬠. Furthermore, support that young entrepreneurs will receive from their friends, family members, and the community as a whole can also affect the professional
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Analytical reviews Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Analytical reviews - Assignment Example There is a clear agenda to highlight the exploitation of the working classes, called the proletariat, by the ruling classes, called the bourgeoisie. This manifesto is, as its title suggests, a book of political theory but it is also much more than that. The opening line indicates a wider concern with human history on a global scale: ââ¬Å"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.â⬠2 What follows is a theory which covers all societies from the classical Roman times of patricians and slaves, through medieval serfs and lords in a feudal system to Victorian industrialization and the huge enterprise network of colonialism, spanning many countries from Europe to India and America. The wide scope of the work and its emphasis on human culture places it firmly in the genre of global history, and it displays remarkable insights into economic and political processes which are far ahead of its time. Many of the ideas contained in the treatise, such as economic determinism, have inspired whole generations of politicians, and the authors are credited with molding the foundations for revolution and the creation of Soviet Russian and many other major modern states. The idea that the working classes in any society are bound to rise up and forcibly seize power was naturally seen as a threat by many European commentators, and it provoked both ardent followers and severe critics. Events in the twentieth century, and now very dramatically in the twenty-first century, have shown that this kind of generic analysis makes perfect sense in describing many specific historical situations. People do tend to rise up against repressive regimes and this manifesto gives them rational arguments and encouragement to do just that. As a complete analysis of human society, however, the manifesto fails to measure up. The world has adopted a largely capitalist methodology, and the predicted rise of the working class has not been universally observed. In fac t there are many examples of how the Marxist working class utopias have turned into a different kind of oppression, where people were trapped in stultifying centrally planned universal poverty. The Communist Manifesto is nevertheless a classic of world literature, homing in on vital issues like labor and its value, forms of government for an industrial age, and the economic inter-connectedness of the modern world, and it is extremely useful as a counterpoint to the currently dominant ideas of capitalism. Part Two: World-Systems Theory: Capitalism, Development, and Under-Development. The important theoretical study entitled World Systems Analysis: An Introduction by Immanuel Wallerstein is a description of the way that our understanding of many disciplines loosely gathered under the title ââ¬Å"social sciencesâ⬠has changed. Epistemology is a key concern, because any artificial divisions between fields of knowledge can distort the way that we perceive and therefore understand r eality. Wallerstein describes how, until the second world war, scholars operated in separate subject areas like history, geography, politics, economics, sociology, etc. but that by the 1970s the boundaries between these areas had become less fixed. The late twentieth century was marked by
Monday, October 28, 2019
Domestic Adoptions Costs are Entirely to Expensive Essay Example for Free
Domestic Adoptions Costs are Entirely to Expensive Essay The costs of domestic adoption are entirely to expensive. Every year in the U. S. alone there are over a hundred thousand children waiting and available for adoption; but because of the high cost, they may never be adopted. In most cases domestic adoption is way too expensive, ranging from $2,500 up to $40,000 depending on the child and his individual circumstances (ââ¬Å"Costs of Adopting,â⬠par. 2). The longer a child has to wait to be adopted, they are more likely to develop psychological problems due to trauma cause by their own birth family, multiple moves while in foster care and all types of abuse. There are so many great families and couples out there longing to adopt a child who cannot afford the price tag that is put on children that are placed for adoption. I believe the cost of domestic adoptions should be minimized to make it affordable for all families and couples, to ensure that every child gets the chance to have a family of his own and a healthy childhood instead of waiting in foster care or orphanages too long. Adopting a healthy infant in the U. S. typically costs $5,000 to $25,000 and can go up from there depending on the circumstances of the infant and birth mother or birth parents (ââ¬Å"The Changing.. ,â⬠par. 1). Still this is a hefty price to pay and if the infant is not adopted it may end up in the foster care system for years. In 1998 only 36,000 children from foster care were adopted, which was an increase of 5,000 since 1997, when only 31,000 were adopted. These numbers of adoption may seem high, but at least 100,000 of the children available for adoption were not adopted, leaving them without a family. The average age of the children adopted was 7 years (ââ¬Å"Adoption Fact Sheetâ⬠), but still why should any child have to wait this long? In 2005 the number of children available for adoption, waiting in public foster care totaled 115,407 (ââ¬Å"Children in Publicâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ). There are so many children now who are waiting to be adopted. Here in the U. S. 20% of the 650,000 children in an out of home placement are available for adoption. Many of these children have special needs, which could possibly lower their adoption cost (ââ¬Å"What You Shouldâ⬠¦,â⬠par. 3). While waiting for a family and home to call their own these children usually experience some kind of trauma caused by their birth family or moving from home to home while in foster care simply because something just didnââ¬â¢t work out right. In this process some of the children may have been physically , emotionally or sexually abused (What You Shouldâ⬠¦,â⬠par. 4). All of these situations can cause harm to the child and permanently scar him for emotionally. Most of these children cannot form any secure attachments because of the trauma they have experienced. The attachment process is very important and has a lifelong impact on all children. Therefore it is so important for all children to be in a good healthy environment where they will be able to develop healthy and secure attachments. I believe this is why it is so important for a child to be adopted quickly and not have to wait for years where so much important and precious time is lost. There are so many couples and families who want to adopt but adoption is not within their reach because of the high costs. If the costs were lowered many more children would be adopted into great homes. You do not need to be loaded with money to be a great parent and to provide a loving and nourishing home for a child to grow up in. There are some ways to help couples and families pay for adoption such as employer benefits, tax credits, or adoptions loans and grants; but the problems with these options is that not all couples or families meet the qualifications to receive any help (ââ¬Å"Adoption Cost). With loans you must meet specific qualifications and then pay back money loaned. When it comes to grants there is also a list of qualifications that weed out a lot of prospective parents. As for the employer benefits, only a third of U. S. employers offer this (ââ¬Å"The Changingâ⬠¦,â⬠par. 4). The federal government offers tax credits only to families who privately adopt infants, but does not offer the same support to families who adopt children in foster care (Wright, par. 3). Money drives almost everything in adoption. A fact which causes the line between baby selling and adoption services to become blurred is that many attorneyââ¬â¢s fees are very high and unreasonable (Wright, par. 11). There are many reasons one may say that adoption costs of up to $40,000 is reasonable. Usually the agency a prospective parent must go through to adopt, has typical adoption services they provide: including professional services for both the adoptive and birth parents, birth parent expenses, new born care and services, legal and investigative expenses, salaries and employee benefits and general insurance (ââ¬Å"Why Does Adoptionâ⬠¦,â⬠). These costly services do add up; but I do believe a few things should be done differently that would lower the costs of these services. If the birth mother does not have insurance, she can be on Medicaid to cover prenatal and postnatal healthcare. We pay in taxes to cover such things every day. I also believe that if the adoptive parent has a contract to adopt a child, then that child should be placed on the adoptive parentââ¬â¢s insurance for his medical needs. Doing these things could cut down on the costs greatly. Plus if more children could be adopted from foster care sooner, that alone would save the government a lot of money that is paid to keep the children up. I do not understand how anyone can put such a price on a childââ¬â¢s life and well being. What is more important, the child having a great fulfilling life or sitting in an orphanage or foster home for years and possibly experiencing some awful things, because people who would love to have them and take care of them cannot afford to adopt them? It all seems to me like the whole adoption process is nothing but selling babies and children. Why should you have to pay so much for a child when you are making a commitment to provide and care for and cherish them for the rest of your life? You will be responsible for all their need in the following years and that should be quite enough payment to put forth. You must have a home study completed before you can begin the adoption process. This ensures that you are able to provide a good sufficient home for a child; so why not lower the costs of adoption? Itââ¬â¢s not like unfit couples or families would be able to adopt just because they may be able to afford it. I donââ¬â¢t see how any child deserves to be without the love of a family. You should not have to be rich to be able to afford adoption costs, a families status should have nothing to do with wither they can give a child a loving, nourishing and stable home. I truly believe if adoption costs were lowered more children would have loving homes and couples who cannot have a child of their own or those who have a child or children already would be able to complete their lives by adopting. This would benefit everyone involved: every child without a family, every hopeful future parent and family who yearns for another child to make their lives complete. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Adoption Costâ⬠. A Child to Love. 3 Sept. 2009. http://www. achildtolove. com/cost/. ââ¬Å"Adoption Fact Sheetâ⬠. Child Welfare League of America. March 1999. http://www. cwla. org/p rintable/printpage. asp. ââ¬Å"Children in Public Foster Care Waiting to be Adopted: FY 1999 thru FY 2005â⬠. Administration for Children and Families. 1Sept. 2009. http://wwwacf. hhs. gov/programs/cb/stats_ research/afcars/waiting2005. htm. ââ¬Å"Costs of Adoptingâ⬠. Child Welfare Information Gateway. 2004. 25 Aug. 2009. http://www. ch iLdwelfare. gov/pubs/s_cost/index. cfm. ââ¬Å"The Changing Face of Adoptionâ⬠. Parents. com. September 2001. 30 Aug. 2009. http://www. parents. com/parents/story. jhtml? storyid=templatedata/parents/story/data3225.. . ââ¬Å"What You Should Know Before You Adopt A Childâ⬠. Institute for Attachment and Child Development. 4 April 1997. 28 Aug. 2009. http://www. inststuteforattachment. org/arti Cles/article43. htm. ââ¬Å"Why Does Adoption Cost So Much? â⬠. American Adoptions. 29 Aug. 2009. http://american adoPtions. com/adopt/article_view/article_id/3179? PHPSESSID=235â⬠¦. Wright, Graham. ââ¬Å"Money, Power and Accountability: The ââ¬Å"Businessâ⬠Of Adoptionâ⬠. The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institution. November 1999. 27 Aug. 2009. http://adoption Institute. org/procd/confessions/transtest13. html.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Huckleberry Finn Essay examples -- essays research papers fc
River of Life and Realism in Huck Finn à à à à à In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses the river to symbolize life and the adventures of Huck to show the realism in the novel. These two elements are shown throughout the book in many different ways. Sometimes one would have to really sit down and think about all the symbolism in this classic novel. à à à à à T. S. Eliot stated, “We come to understand the River by seeing it through the eyes of the Boy; but the Boy is also the spirit of the River'; (333). Throughout Huck’s adventure, as he and Jim are traveling down the river on a raft to Cairo, we see the admiration Huck has for the river. He sets it up to be respected as he would a very dangerous but sincere person. He knows everything of which the river is capable. The river has only to desire something to happen and it will. The different currents and movements are the various personalities of the river. No one can predict the next mood that it might take on. For this reason, Huck chooses to admire the powerful and dangerous body and respect it for its personality(338-46). à à à à à The only mode of transportation that Huck and Jim have to flow down the mighty Mississippi is a raft . The river controls the voyage of Huck and Jim. It will not let them land at Cairo, where Jim could have been free. It then separates them and leaves Huck at the Grangerford house for a while. Finally, it reunites the two friends and presses upon them the company of the king and duke (Eliot 332). It is their means of escape. “... ‘stead of taking to the woods when I run off, I’d go down the river about fifty mile and camp in one place for good...'; (31). Huck can always depend on the river to take him anywhere he wants to go. à à à à à Every move Huck makes seems to get him into some kind of trouble. No matter what the problem, he always goes to that monstrous body of water to solve the mess that he is in. The two friends use the river to slide away from trouble. “...Jim goes again to the raft and lets her go a-sliding down the river';(Angell 131). An example of how Huck uses the river as a safeguard is when he tells Pap he fell in the river in order to escape a great amount of abuse (31). Also, the river repre... ...ealism that was in the world when Twain wrote the book and that same realism is still around today. Even though some times people want to deny it for fear of reality. Works Cited Angell, Roger. “Huck, Continued.'; The New Yorker. New York: June à à à à à 26, à à à à à 1995:131. Blair, Walter. “The Grangerfords.'; Mark Twain and Huck Finn. à à à à à London: Union à à à à à Press, 1962:199-203. Blair, Walter. “So noble and so beautiful a book.'; Mark Twain and Huck Finn. à à à à à London, England: Union Press, 1962:42,74-9. Budd, Louis T. “Realism in Huck Finn.'; New essays on Adventures of Huck à à à à à Finn. à à à à à Cambridge University Press, 1985:36,102112. Eliot, T. S. “An Introduction to Huckleberry Finn.'; Form and Symbol: à à à à à The River à à à à à and the Shore. New York: Chanticleer Press, 1950:332-33. Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: à à à à à Bantam Books, à à à à à 1993.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
factors affecting Demand and Supply Essay
In economics, Demand refers to the quantity of a goods or services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price in a given time period. The law of demand stipulates that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded, that is to say, if the price of, say, good X rises, it will decrease the quantity demanded of good X and the price of the good falls, this will bring an expansion of the quantity demanded. The diagram below clearly explains the above statement: A movement along a demand curve only occurs when there is a change in the price of the good in question. Some textbooks call these movementsââ¬â¢ extensions and contractions. In the diagram below (Fig 1.1), when the price of CDs falls (from P1 to P2) there is a rise in demand (from Q1 to Q2), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point B. When the price rises (from P1 to P3) there is a fall in demand (from Q1 to Q3), ceteris paribus. The movement along the curve is from point A to point C. Note that we must say ââ¬Ëceteris paribusââ¬â¢. If one of the other determinants of demand changes as well, then the curve would shift. A shift in the demand curve occurs if one of the ââ¬Ëotherââ¬â¢ (i.e. non-price) determinants of demand change. This means that for a given price level the quantity demanded will change. This is illustrated in the diagram below: Fig 1.2 Note that the price has not changed (P1) and yet demand has increased (in the case of the shift to D2) to Q2. This could be due to a rise in real incomes (assuming the good is normal ââ¬â see the required section in the ââ¬ËElasticitiesââ¬â¢ topic), a rise in the price of a substitute good, a fall in the price of a complement, etc. (see ââ¬Ëdeterminants of demandââ¬â¢ above). In the case of the shift to D3, demand has fallen even though the price has remained constant. It is fairly obvious so far that the price of a good is a pretty strong determinant of its demand, but there are many other things that will affect demand too. First of all, the disposable income is one of the factors causing a shift in the demand curve. The effect that income has on the amount of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy depends on the type of good weââ¬â¢re talking about. For most goods, there is a positive (direct) relationship between a consumerââ¬â¢s income and the amount of the good that one is willing and able to buy. In other words, for these goods when income rises the demand for the product will increase; when income falls, the demand for the product will decrease. The above is the case for normal goods. However, when there is an inverse relationship between oneââ¬â¢s income and the demand for that good, it is categorised as inferior good. Another factor which is a determinant of demand is the price of related goods. As with income, the effect that the price of related good has on the amount that one is willing and able to buy depends on the type of good weââ¬â¢re talking about. Think about two goods that are typically consumed together, for example, tea and milk (complements). If the price of milk goes up, the Law of Demand tells us that people will be willing/able to buy less milk. But if we want less milk, we will also want to use tea and therefore, an increase in the price of milk means we want to purchase less tea. We can thus summarize this by saying that when two goods are complements, there is an inverse relationship between the price of one good and the demand for the other good. A personââ¬â¢s taste and preference is also one slightly obscure but very important determinant of demand. It could be noted that if a good becomes fashionable, this will boost up the demand. For example, if a celebrity endorses a new product (like Pepsi), this might increase the demand for the product. On the other hand, if a campaign crops up, stating that the product is nefarious to health, this would decrease the demand of the product. An increase in the population of a country will be another determinant ofà demand of a product. More people will mean more demand for, say, bread. Nonetheless, it should be noted that a change in the structure of the population, (an ageing population), this will increase the demand for some goods but reduce the demand for others. For example, the quantity of medical shoes will increase in an ageing population. Advertising is also likely to have a great impact on the demand of a product. Many of you probably doubt the effectiveness of some of the appalling adverts on the TV. We may assume that companies would not spend fortunes on advertising if they did not expect to see a significant rise in demand for the product in question. This can be clearly shown when supermarkets advertise their price drop-downs, through flyers, TV adverts, radio et al. Some people always think of securing a better future. In so doing, if they expect the price of a good to rise in the future, they will more likely to demand for more of the product. For example, if we hear that Apple, the electronic giant, will soon introduce a new iPod that has more memory and longer battery life, people may decide to wait to buy an iPod until the new product comes out. This will surely decrease the demand for the current iPod as they will prefer the new ones. On the other hand, just like with demand, where it only became effective if it was backed up with the ability to pay, supply is defined as the willingness and ability of producers to supply goods and services on to a market at a given price in a given period of time. In theory, at higher prices a larger quantity will generally be supplied than at lower prices, ceteris paribus, and at lower prices a smaller quantity will generally be supplied than at higher prices, ceteris paribus. Diagram A movement along a supply curve only occurs when the price changes, ceteris paribus. In other words, the price changes but the other non-price determinants remain constant. The diagram below shows that a price rise will cause an extension up the supply curve, from point A to point B, whilst aà price fall will cause a contraction back down the supply curve, from point A to point C. Supply curves shift, at all prices, if there is a change in one or more of the determinants of supply. If something happens that decreases a firmââ¬â¢s costs regardless of the price level (e.g. improved technology or a subsidy from the government), then the firmââ¬â¢s supply curve shifts to the right. The diagram below demonstrates these shifts: Note that the price remains unchanged at P1; the shifts in the supply curve are caused by various changes in the determinants of supply. As with the demand curve, there are many things that affect supply as well as the price of the good in question. The most important factor determining the supply of a commodity is its price. As a general rule, price of a commodity and its supply are directly related. It means, as price increases, the quantity supplied of the given commodity also rises and vice-versa. It happens because at higher prices, there are greater chances of making profit. It induces the firm to offer more for sale in the market. The price of other factors of other goods is one of the determinants of the supply. Increase in the prices of other goods makes them more profitable in comparison to the given commodity. For example if it is more profitable to produce LCD TVs then producers will produce more LCD TVs as compared to PLASMA TVs. Thus the supply curve for PLASMA TVs will shift inwards i.e. there will be a fall in supply. Another factor to determine supply is through Technology. Technological changes influence the supply of a commodity. Advanced and improved technology reduces the cost of production, which raises the profit margin. It induces the seller to increase the supply. However, technological degradation or complex and out-dated technology will increase the cost of production and it will lead to decrease in supply. Govt., through taxation policies, is also a determinant of supply. Increase in taxes raises the cost of production and, thus, reduces the supply, due to lower profit margin. On the other hand, tax concessions and subsidies increase the supply as they make it more profitable for the firms to supply goods.
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